Growing Hamilton - Planning for New Communities

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Notice of Adoption and Approval of an Urban Hamilton Official Plan Amendment

On July 14, 2023, the City of Hamilton Council passed By-law No. 23-134 adopting Urban Hamilton Official Plan Amendment No. 185 to create a policy framework to guide secondary planning for Urban Expansion Areas. To access information about the approved By-law, visit

Over the next 25-30 years, the population of Hamilton is expected to grow significantly, from 584,000 in 2021 to at least 820,000 by 2051.

The City’s Official Plan notes that when, where and how growth will be accommodated and managed is of tremendous importance to the success of Hamilton as a strong, vibrant, healthy, economically and culturally diverse City. Strength and success will be achieved by recognizing and building upon the many individual and collective community attributes that our businesses and residents have come to value, while at the same time moving forward with carefully planned changes that transform and enhance Hamilton’s built, natural and social environments.

Growth In New Communities - Urban Expansion Areas

In June 2022, Council approved a Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) for the City, along with an updated long term growth strategy (GRIDS2). The MCR is a process by which the City brings its Official Plans into conformity with updated policies of the various Provincial plans that apply to Hamilton (Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Niagara Escarpment Plan, Greenbelt Plan). The Municipal Comprehensive Review implemented a growth strategy with no expansions to the City’s existing urban boundary. This decision was sent to the Province for approval.

In November 2022, the Province issued a decision on the MCR, which made multiple changes to the City’s Official Plan. Modifications included an expansion to the Urban Boundary to include additional lands for future urban development. Six areas were added, with a total area of approximately 2,200 hectares. These areas were identified by the Province as "Urban Expansion Areas".

The Official Plan‘s policies, as modified by the Province, require that Secondary Planning be completed for the Urban Expansion Areas prior to development occurring. A Secondary Plan is a detailed land use plan for a particular geographic area of a municipality that identifies detailed land uses, densities, design requirements, and infrastructure requirements and other implementing actions appropriate for a specific area.

Council has directed that the City should lead Secondary Planning for Urban Expansion Areas. Doing so provides an opportunity to pursue new and innovative ways to plan these areas in a way that is equitable, climate resilient, and is focused on creating great communities for people to live, work and play. Work is underway to establish the framework for these processes, including establishing a policy framework and guidelines to direct Secondary planning processes, and determining work plans, phasing and timing for Secondary Planning.

To shape the future of new communities and neighbourhoods in the Urban Expansion Areas, we need you to share your ideas and feedback. Your input will help determine what future growth will look like as change takes place.

Urban Expansion Areas

The six Urban Expansion Areas are identified with hatching on this map.

Growth In Existing Neighbourhoods

Recent changes to the City’s Official Plan policies promote sustainable growth by supporting intensification and compact built form throughout the built-up areas of the City that makes use of existing infrastructure and services. Small-scale intensification in neighbourhoods will provide flexibility for residents by improving housing choice and affordable housing options. Intensification along the more major road network in the City will provide further housing choices that support transit goals. To reflect these objectives, the City’s zoning is being updated to streamline standards and update requirements, and accompanying design guidelines are being developed to promote high quality, sustainable new development that is compatibly integrated with the surrounding built form.

The changes to the City’s zoning are occurring through the Residential Zones Project which in addition to the changes described, will culminate in one comprehensive Zoning By-law for the entire City, replacing the residential zones of the former Community Zoning By-laws.

Coming Soon! Residential Zoning consultation is planned for Fall 2023. Visit

Notice of Adoption and Approval of an Urban Hamilton Official Plan Amendment

On July 14, 2023, the City of Hamilton Council passed By-law No. 23-134 adopting Urban Hamilton Official Plan Amendment No. 185 to create a policy framework to guide secondary planning for Urban Expansion Areas. To access information about the approved By-law, visit

Over the next 25-30 years, the population of Hamilton is expected to grow significantly, from 584,000 in 2021 to at least 820,000 by 2051.

The City’s Official Plan notes that when, where and how growth will be accommodated and managed is of tremendous importance to the success of Hamilton as a strong, vibrant, healthy, economically and culturally diverse City. Strength and success will be achieved by recognizing and building upon the many individual and collective community attributes that our businesses and residents have come to value, while at the same time moving forward with carefully planned changes that transform and enhance Hamilton’s built, natural and social environments.

Growth In New Communities - Urban Expansion Areas

In June 2022, Council approved a Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) for the City, along with an updated long term growth strategy (GRIDS2). The MCR is a process by which the City brings its Official Plans into conformity with updated policies of the various Provincial plans that apply to Hamilton (Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Niagara Escarpment Plan, Greenbelt Plan). The Municipal Comprehensive Review implemented a growth strategy with no expansions to the City’s existing urban boundary. This decision was sent to the Province for approval.

In November 2022, the Province issued a decision on the MCR, which made multiple changes to the City’s Official Plan. Modifications included an expansion to the Urban Boundary to include additional lands for future urban development. Six areas were added, with a total area of approximately 2,200 hectares. These areas were identified by the Province as "Urban Expansion Areas".

The Official Plan‘s policies, as modified by the Province, require that Secondary Planning be completed for the Urban Expansion Areas prior to development occurring. A Secondary Plan is a detailed land use plan for a particular geographic area of a municipality that identifies detailed land uses, densities, design requirements, and infrastructure requirements and other implementing actions appropriate for a specific area.

Council has directed that the City should lead Secondary Planning for Urban Expansion Areas. Doing so provides an opportunity to pursue new and innovative ways to plan these areas in a way that is equitable, climate resilient, and is focused on creating great communities for people to live, work and play. Work is underway to establish the framework for these processes, including establishing a policy framework and guidelines to direct Secondary planning processes, and determining work plans, phasing and timing for Secondary Planning.

To shape the future of new communities and neighbourhoods in the Urban Expansion Areas, we need you to share your ideas and feedback. Your input will help determine what future growth will look like as change takes place.

Urban Expansion Areas

The six Urban Expansion Areas are identified with hatching on this map.

Growth In Existing Neighbourhoods

Recent changes to the City’s Official Plan policies promote sustainable growth by supporting intensification and compact built form throughout the built-up areas of the City that makes use of existing infrastructure and services. Small-scale intensification in neighbourhoods will provide flexibility for residents by improving housing choice and affordable housing options. Intensification along the more major road network in the City will provide further housing choices that support transit goals. To reflect these objectives, the City’s zoning is being updated to streamline standards and update requirements, and accompanying design guidelines are being developed to promote high quality, sustainable new development that is compatibly integrated with the surrounding built form.

The changes to the City’s zoning are occurring through the Residential Zones Project which in addition to the changes described, will culminate in one comprehensive Zoning By-law for the entire City, replacing the residential zones of the former Community Zoning By-laws.

Coming Soon! Residential Zoning consultation is planned for Fall 2023. Visit

  • Policy Framework

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Policy Framework provides high level direction for how Secondary Planning should occur in the Urban Expansion Areas.

    Please review and provide your comments. You can click anywhere in the document to add a comment.

  • Secondary Plan Guidelines

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Secondary Plan Guidelines describe the phases, components, and public consultation measures required for a Secondary Plan process.

    Please review and provide your comments. You can click anywhere in the document to add a comment.

Page last updated: 27 Jul 2023, 01:57 PM