Albion Falls South Access and Viewing Platform

Albion Falls is a 19 metre high, cascade waterfall located at the southernmost tip of Upper King’s Forest Park and forms part of the environmentally sensitive area of the Red Hill Creek Escarpment Valley. The site is a popular destination for locals and tourists who want to view the falls and enjoy the natural landscape setting.

North viewing platform at Albion Falls
In 2005, the City of Hamilton built the North viewing platforms, associated trails and parking area to provide a safe and accessible location from which to view Albion Falls while protecting the environmentally sensitive area from the creation and use of informal trails.
Since 2005, informal trails continue to be created and used by the public on the South side of Albion Falls where there is no formal trail or viewing platform. There is evidence of erosion along the South slopes and safety concerns have required the City to fence off the area to protect the public.
In 2017, the same year the South access was fenced, the City of Hamilton applied for grant funding and allocated capital budget to help fund the investigations and studies required to determine if and where constructing a South access and viewing platform was feasible.

- OCTOBER 2017: Hamilton Future Fund Grant application and allocation of capital funds to complete required studies, investigations and design.
- MARCH 2018: Award of Hamilton Future Fund Grant
- 2018-2019: Topographic survey
- 2018-2020: Geotechnical and Slope Stability Assessment
- 2018 (On-going): Environmental Impact Statement and Investigations, Functional Design Development followed by detailed design of access and platform.
- May and December 2019 (On-going): Task Force Meetings with residents, Ward Councillor and City of Hamilton staff.
- November 2020: Launch of Engage Hamilton Project and StoryMap
- January 31, 2021: Online survey closes
- February 2021 - August 2022: Two new lookout concepts prepared as a result of public and stakeholder feedback
2018 - 2019: Archaeology investigations
VIEW OF ALBION FALLS CIRCA 1880 - (Book Cover) Hamilton Mountain Memories: A Collection of Historical Stories and Events by Robert James Williamson for the Hamilton Mountain Heritage Society
Under the Planning Act, future development sites that have archaeological potential must be assessed prior to development in accordance with the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport’s 2011 Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists.
The Albion Falls project site was in use from the late 19th century to the early 20th century as a mill until 1915 after which the mill and its associated structures were demolished. Euro-Canadian artifacts comprising of kitchen food related items, personal items etc. were discovered and catalogued at the Albion Falls project site, however it is estimated that a substantial portion of the original mill site has been lost to cliff-side erosion.
As of 2019, the site on the South Side of Albion Falls has been fully excavated and documented to the extent required under the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport’s 2011 Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists.
Archaeological Investigations revealed several artifacts:
Top left to right: Factory slip-banded blue teacup (H940), and a semi-porcelain pink and green decalcomania saucer (H926)
Bottom left to right: RWE transfer print-general green platter rim (H818), and semi-porcelain gilt gold saucer (H638)
From left to right: A porcelaneousware child's doll (H733), a second porcelaneousware (H1553), a porcelain toy teacup (H743), and a ceramic toy milk jug (H1555)
Slope Assessments and Geotechnical Investigations
Geotechnical investigations and slope assessments were conducted to identify the subsoil, rock quality and groundwater conditions to determine foundation designs for the structure and any slope stabilization requirements and protective measures. While it was concluded that the rock slopes are stable and can support the intended viewing platform and construction processes, long term erosion will need to continue to be monitored.
Environmental Impact Statement and Investigations
The Planning Act stipulates protection requirements for natural heritage features, such as significant wetland and woodlands. The Albion Fall project site is located within a Significant Woodland and Core Area. An EIS that summarizes the natural heritage conditions present on site and the potential impacts of the proposed development is required.
The field investigations included, but were not limited to the following: breeding bird survey, botanical field investigations and classifications, aquatic habitat survey, bat habitat survey and an anuran survey. By completing these surveys, the Project Team can limit, mitigate or remove the potential for loss or alteration to the ecological community’s form or function, while improving access and safety of users.
- 2018 - 2019: Topographic Survey
- 2018 - 2020: Geotechnical Investigations and Slope Stability Assessment
- 2018 (On-going): Environmental Impact Statement and Investigations, Functional design development followed by detailed design of access and platform
- MAY & DECEMBER 2019 (On-going): Task Force Meetings with Residents, Ward Councillor and City of Hamilton Staff
- FALL / WINTER 2020: Public Consultation and Survey
To achieve the project goals and objectives, a series of stairs and elevated boardwalks will lead trail users from Mountainbrow Boulevard to a viewing platform on the South side of Albion Falls.
- Stairs and elevated boardwalks, with rest areas at the access point, mid-point and end point
- Viewing platform
- Benches and signage
- Restoration planting and seeding
An initial viewing platform concept was prepared and presented to the public. The original platform design included a concrete walking surface, galvanized steel railings, galvanized steel beams and seating.
Between November 2020 and January 2021, an initial viewing platform design was presented to the public. The City received mixed feedback on the initial concept. As a response, two new viewing platform concepts were created that incorporate suggestions from the initial consultation.
See below for details on View 1 and View 2
Refer to previous image for the locations of View 1 and View 2
Approximate view from Proposed Viewing Platform. Note proposed platform will cantilever from edge of bank therefore completely accurate view point could not be achieved due to safety reasons
The two viewing platform concepts below incorporate suggestions and feedback received during the initial 2020/2021 public consultation period. An online poll was active between March and May 2023 to choose a final preferred concept that will undergo detailed design.
CONCEPT A: Woodline Lookout
Key Features:
- Rectangular cantilevered viewing platform offering excellent views of Albion Falls and views of the escarpment and valley.
- Overhead steel beams were positioned below the platform to improve views and to preserve the natural scenery of the escarpment.
- The galvanized steel railing was replaced with a brown weathering steel that will naturally age, adding to the historical appeal of the site, while still being durable and maintainable.
- The concrete platform was replaced with composite decking to reduce weight and create a softer feel.
CONCEPT B: Serpentine Lookout
Key Features:
- Overhead steel beams were positioned below the platform to improve views and to preserve the natural scenery of the escarpment.
- A rounded platform extension was added to offer a direct view of the falls and improved views of the escarpment and valley.
- Curved railings mounted to the exterior of the platform improve pedestrian circulation and safety.
- The galvanized steel railing was replaced with painted steel that will naturally age, adding to the historical appeal of the site, while still being durable and maintainable.
- The concrete platform was replaced with composite decking to reduce weight and create a softer feel.
An East-West Pedestrian Cross Over (PXO) will be provided on Mountainbrow Boulevard. The location was selected to:
- Provide a road crossing in proximity to the Arbour Road parking lot
- Ensure sightlines for drivers are enough to provide adequate reaction time and protect the safety of pedestrians crossing
Accessible design is about designing spaces for people of all abilities. Accessible design of outdoor spaces is regulated by the Accessibility Standard for the Design of Public Spaces, which is part of Ontario Regulation 191/11 under the Accessibility of Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).
The Albion Falls South Access and Viewing Platform is defined as a recreational trail under the Act. Within the Act, exceptions to certain design standards apply for areas of trail where modifications for accessibility would negatively impact the ecology or heritage or cases where making the trail accessible would have a negative effect on water, fish, wildlife, plants, invertebrates, species at risk, ecological integrity or natural heritage values.
To achieve the project's core mission statement and to be in compliance with the AODA, the Albion Falls South Viewing Platform and Access will strive to make the viewing platform as accessible as possible to all residents of all abilities, unless modifications negatively impact the site's natural heritage. Please note that the existing North Platform is fully accessible.
- March 2023 - May 2023: Launch of new online poll at Engage Hamilton to choose a final lookout concept.
- 2020-2021 (On-going): Finalization of studies and detailed drawings
- 2021 (On-going): Permit Application to Authorities having Jurisdiction, such as Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC), Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) and the Environmentally Significant Areas Impact Evaluation Group (ESAIEG)
- 2020-2021 (On-going): the Capital Budget request to construct the Albion Falls South Viewing Platform and Access project is $1.9M and the request will be considered for inclusion within the 2021 Capital Budget. Please note that the funding request to construct this project will be reviewed by City of Hamilton Management Staff and Council within the overall context of the City’s funding needs particularly as it relates to Covid-19 and the request may not be granted in 2021. The design and permitting for the project is already funded and will continue to proceed so that when construction funding does become available the project is shovel ready. The project page will continue to be updated as information becomes available.
The City of Hamilton is excited to welcome the Hamilton Future Fund Board of Governors to the project team and would like to thank them for their contributions towards the studies and investigations required for the Albion Falls Access and Viewing Platform project.
The City would like to thank the task force members for their positive contributions and commitment to the project. Their knowledge of the area, continued input and solution based problem solving are vital additions to the project team.
For questions or comments about the project, please contact:
Ken Wheaton, Landscape Architect | City of Hamilton | 905.546.2424 Ext.2289 | Ken.Wheaton@hamilton.ca |