Preferred New Lookout Concept Survey #2 is closed.

In November 2020, an initial viewing platform concept was presented to the public with mixed reviews. We received feedback and have responded by creating two new lookout platform concepts. The new concepts blend into the landscape better, have improved views of the waterfall/escarpment, and incorporate materials that are softer, yet still durable and maintainable.

The concrete entry plaza at Mountain Brow Boulevard, stairs and viewing landing remain unchanged from the previous concept design.

New Lookout Platform Concepts

Review the Revised Lookout Concepts (PDF)

Concept A: Woodline Lookout

Key Features:

  • Rectangular cantilevered viewing platform offering excellent views of Albion Falls and views of the escarpment and valley.
  • Overhead steel beams were positioned below the platform to improve views and to preserve the natural scenery of the escarpment.
  • The galvanized steel railing was replaced with a brown weathering steel that will naturally age, adding to the historical appeal of the site, while still being durable and maintainable.
  • The concrete platform was replaced with composite decking to reduce weight and create a softer feel.

Concept B: Serpentine Lookout

Key Features:

  • Overhead steel beams were positioned below the platform to improve views and to preserve the natural scenery of the escarpment.
  • A rounded platform extension was added to offer a direct view of the falls and improved views of the escarpment and valley.
  • Curved railings mounted to the exterior of the platform improve pedestrian circulation and safety.
  • The galvanized steel railing was replaced with painted steel that will naturally age, adding to the historical appeal of the site, while still being durable and maintainable.
  • The concrete platform was replaced with composite decking to reduce weight and create a softer feel.