How much will this cost to build and operate?
A Transit Growth Strategy will be presented to Council in early 2024 and will include an updated concept network based on public consultation and funding and investment requirements.
When would the new network go live?
The concept network, including any changes arising from community consultation, is intended to reflect Hamilton’s transit network on the opening day of LRT operation. Following public consultation, a Transit Growth Strategy will be presented to Council in early 2024, which will include more details about implementation.
When will LRT begin operating?
Metrolinx is currently refining the final procurement strategy for the Hamilton LRT project. More
details will be shared when available.
I’m not a transit user. How does this impact me?
A well-functioning and fully accessible transit network benefits all Hamiltonians, including non-transit users. Encouraging more people to choose transit helps reduce congestion and car emissions while moving people efficiently around the city. The proposed network offers residents greater connectivity and choice to move across the City and access social and cultural supports and economic opportunities they need to succeed, feel included and contribute fully to society.
How were transit hubs identified?
The concept network strategically places transit hubs across the City at major trip-generating locations based on land use, employment and interregional connectivity. Most planned hubs in the proposed network are located within or immediately adjacent to locations identified as Nodes or Employment Areas in the City of Hamilton’s Official Plan.
How does the proposed network support the LRT?
The concept network is structured around the LRT to maximize connections with local transit. For example, all 17 proposed LRT stops would have connecting bus service and 90% of our fixed route service would connect to the LRT, including multiple route connections at 14 LRT stops.
Will connections to other neighbouring transit services be maintained or added?
Connections to neighbouring transit services will be enhanced. In addition to continuing to serve Downtown Burlington, HSR buses will also connect to Burlington GO. Burlington Transit routes 1 and 101 will continue to connect to Downtown Hamilton. Connections to GO Transit will be significantly enhanced at West Harbour GO and Confederation GO, and connections to Hamilton GO Centre and Aldershot GO will be maintained.
What amenities will be available at transit hubs?
Transit hubs will feature enhanced amenities, where possible. Help us identify preferred amenities by participating in the survey or by sharing your feedback at one of our public engagement events.
Will transit priority measures slow down traffic and create congestion?
Transit priority measures are designed to increase the reliability of transit by minimizing the impact of existing car congestion. The majority of the transit priority measures will be in the form of transit signal priority, which extends green lights or shortens red lights to help a bus through an intersection if it is running behind schedule. Other measures include queue jump lanes, which involve widening the road to provide for a dedicated transit lane through an intersection. This measure improves vehicular flow for both transit and drivers.
How will my commute be impacted during implementation?
Changes to the network will be implemented using a phased approach over several years. An implementation strategy, including related impact mitigation, will be presented to Council in early 2024 as part of the Transit Growth Strategy.