Supporting Healthcare Public Art
Consultation has concluded
The City of Hamilton has completed a Public Art process to commission temporary public art to be installed on City-owned traffic signal cabinets around major healthcare facilities in the City. Completion of installation is set for June 2021.
Project Award
The volunteer citizenjury has selected fifteen (15) winning proposals. For the list of winners and more information on the jury’s selection process and rationale, please read the Supporting Healthcare Traffic Box Wraps Public Art Jury Report(External link).
The report is an overview of the discussion of the volunteer citizen jury which met on Friday August 7, 2020 to determine the twenty (20) shortlisted artist proposals for the Supporting Healthcare Traffic Signal Box Wraps Public Art Project.
They reviewed the submissions in terms of technical issues, artistic excellence, response to context, public consultation results for the period August 20th to September 9, 2020 and in response to the following competition goal:
Traffic signal box public art designs should be vibrant, positive works focused on public health and wellness that support and uplift our vital healthcare workers and the patients they serve in their everyday work and as we manage COVID-19.
Public Opinion Survey Results
The survey has now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated. Please review the Public Opinion Survey Results.
Call for Artists
The Call for Artists closed on Tuesday July 14, 2020. The City of Hamilton received ninety-two (92) submissions and would like to thank all artists who made proposals to this competition. Shortlisted proposals will be posted in August for public consultation, followed by the Jury’s final adjudication.
A volunteer citizen jury has shortlisted the following twenty (20) works by artists based on their response to the project goal, appropriateness for display near various healthcare facilities across the City of Hamilton, artistic excellence, technical feasibility and ability to deter graffiti.
Artists were asked to address the following goal in their proposals
Traffic signal box public art designs should be vibrant, positive works focused on public health and wellness that support and uplift our vital healthcare workers and the patients they serve in their everyday work and as we manage COVID-19.