What age range is a “youth”?

    Generally, we are aiming to engage with the 14 to 30 years of age, but we do not want to exclude anyone who wants to engage in these issues and is on the cusp of either end of this age bracket. 

    How will this information be used?

    Event highlights will be shared on the Bayfront Industrial Area Strategy webpage, under Youth Engagement. The information collected through the series of surveying tools will be used to inform the overall Bayfront Industrial Area Strategy as well as the 2020-2025 Economic Development Action Plan.

    Will there be an in-person engagement event?

    At this time, we do not have an in-person engagement event planned due to provincial Covid-19 physical distancing requirements.

    What is the overall goal or objective of this youth engagement series?

    The goals of this Youth Engagement Series are to:

    • Inform Youth: assist youth in knowing about our collective progress in obtaining feedback for this project and moving this vision forward
    • Explore Issues: support a broad range of youth backgrounds in learning about key topics of interest (i.e., future of the Bayfront, and employment growth in the area)
    • Obtain Feedback: understand youth perspectives on the top issues and opportunities they see in the Bayfront Industrial Area, and the barriers and factors for success they see with the employment opportunities in the Bayfront Industrial Area 
    • Generate Ideas: help create new suggestions and proposed alternatives through table discussions
    • Collect Data: gather information about youths’ perceptions, concerns, needs, values, and interests as they pertain to our event theme
    • Identify Problems: gain information about current and potential issues
    • Build Capacity: support the broader community’s ability to address identified issues
    • Enhance Collaboration: bring youth input to together with other stakeholder groups to collectively identify and address issues and opportunities felt in this area of Hamilton
    • Support Action: identify problems, alternatives, and solutions that can help to inform and build upon the Bayfront Industrial Area Strategy and Action Plan and put key actions in place to position Hamilton’s oldest industrial area for a future of continuing productivity and investment
    • Celebrate: Hamilton’s ongoing transformative journey and our collective achievements to date