Draft Plan and Virtual Meeting - June 29, 2022

The CEEP consultation materials include an informational video, and a draft of the Community Energy and Emissions Plan, which contains a number of technical appendices, and a detailed implementation framework. Following the June 29th Virtual Information Meeting, the presentation materials and the video recording of the event will also be made available for review.

Informational Video – 5 Things You Need to Know About Hamilton’s Community Energy and Emissions Plan.
A brief informational video that provides a background and overview of the development of Hamilton’s Community Energy and Emissions Plan, some of the opportunities and benefits of implementing such a plan, and provides guidance on how Hamiltonian’s can get involved. Watch the video

Draft Community Energy and Emissions Plan. The draft of ReCharge Hamilton: Our Community Energy and Emissions Plan for public review. Feedback can be provided by selecting the Provide Feedback tab. Review the Draft Plan

The final consultation on the draft plan has concluded. Thank you for your feedback!

Virtual Information Meeting

Meeting Materials

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