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CLB Streets Survey #2 - Proposed Roadway Designs

Complete Street features vary depending on the context and their role within the city’s street network, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to designing a Complete Street. Common Complete Streets elements include pedestrian amenities, cycling facilities, transit facilities, motor vehicle travel lanes, parking and curbside activities, green infrastructure, and utilities. Hamilton’s Complete Streets approach is based around eight “street typologies” that represent the diverse range of streets found throughout the City. A typology is a classification according to, and representative of, different land-use contexts with common mobility and placemaking functions.

As part of this survey, you will be presented with a definition, examples, and a proposed roadway design for each of Hamilton’s eight typologies and invited to provide your comments and questions. These are intended to represent the types of changes that may be considered for new streets, as part of roadway reconstruction or as special projects over the short, medium and longer term.