October 29 2020

A virtual meeting open to the public to share ideas and suggestions for improvements to the incentive programs and to provide feedback about preliminary ideas.  Meeting will include a staff presentation providing an overview of the project with subsequent breakout “table” sessions led by a facilitator asking questions and recording comments.

Register for the workshop: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkd-2srTMtHtNf9UYNsxYPdOZgJhuGr5Z8(External link)

October → November 2020

Community Engagement Survey and Question Submissions

September 21 2021

Statutory Public Meeting under the Planning Act

Presentation of planned amendments to Planning Committee. Meeting would be a statutory public meeting under the Planning Act and advertised in The Spec a minimum of 17 days prior to the committee date. Provides a forum for the public to make comments to Planning Committee about the proposed program changes.