Farm Labour Residences Policy Review

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The City of Hamilton is seeking public and stakeholder input to update polices and zoning regulations relating to Farm Labour Residences. On March 22, 2022, the Planning Committee received Staff Report PED22022(External link), containing a discussion paper titled Farm Labour Residences Discussion Paper(External link). The discussion paper outlined preliminary recommendations to explore housing options for farm labourers that could be considered for Hamilton.

What is a Farm Labour Residence?

Housing accommodation for full-time farm labour to support a farm operation that requires additional on-site employment. Farm Labour Residences are also referred to as farm help dwellings, accessory farm residences or seasonal farm work housing, to name a few.

We Want to Hear What You Think!

From April to June 2022, staff will be engaging with the agricultural community and relevant stakeholders to obtain feedback on the preliminary recommendations outlined in the discussion paper. Your input will ensure Farm Labour Residence options are flexible to accommodate farm operation needs, address any public concerns to inform recommended policy updates to the Rural Hamilton Official Plan and changes to Zoning By-law 05-200.

Five key issues were outlined in the discussion paper released in March 2022, and are listed:

  1. Number of Farm Labour Residences per Lot
  2. Maximum Gross Floor Area for an Individual Farm Labour Residence
  3. Farm Labour Residence Built Form (Temporary vs. Permanent Structures?)
  4. Private Servicing
  5. Compatibility with Secondary Dwelling Units

View the full discussion paper(External link)

The City of Hamilton is seeking public and stakeholder input to update polices and zoning regulations relating to Farm Labour Residences. On March 22, 2022, the Planning Committee received Staff Report PED22022(External link), containing a discussion paper titled Farm Labour Residences Discussion Paper(External link). The discussion paper outlined preliminary recommendations to explore housing options for farm labourers that could be considered for Hamilton.

What is a Farm Labour Residence?

Housing accommodation for full-time farm labour to support a farm operation that requires additional on-site employment. Farm Labour Residences are also referred to as farm help dwellings, accessory farm residences or seasonal farm work housing, to name a few.

We Want to Hear What You Think!

From April to June 2022, staff will be engaging with the agricultural community and relevant stakeholders to obtain feedback on the preliminary recommendations outlined in the discussion paper. Your input will ensure Farm Labour Residence options are flexible to accommodate farm operation needs, address any public concerns to inform recommended policy updates to the Rural Hamilton Official Plan and changes to Zoning By-law 05-200.

Five key issues were outlined in the discussion paper released in March 2022, and are listed:

  1. Number of Farm Labour Residences per Lot
  2. Maximum Gross Floor Area for an Individual Farm Labour Residence
  3. Farm Labour Residence Built Form (Temporary vs. Permanent Structures?)
  4. Private Servicing
  5. Compatibility with Secondary Dwelling Units

View the full discussion paper(External link)

Discussions: All (6) Open (0)
  • Issue 1: Number of Farm Labour Residences per Lot

    almost 3 years ago
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    Alternatives for Consideration

    1. Status quo – Maximum of one FLR per lot.
    2. As-of-right permission for more than one FLR per farm site in the form of a temporary detached structure up to a 420m2 maximum aggregate gross floor area (GFA).
    3. Permit up to a maximum of three (3) FLRs per lot – where more than one FLR is required, the second and third temporary dwelling take the form of a mobile home. This alternative for consideration maintains the current maximum 116.2m2 GFA for a FLR under Zoning By-law 05-200.

    Do you agree with the preliminary recommendation?

    Preliminary Recommendation: More than one FLR permitted per lot - Maximum Aggregate Gross Floor Area of 420m2

    As-of-right permission for more than one FLR per farm site but must take the form the of temporary detached structure up to a 420m2 maximum aggregate building floor area.

    Reference Discussion Paper pages 15-18(External link)

    Replies Closed
  • Issue 2: Maximum Gross Floor Area for an Individual Farm Labour Residence

    almost 3 years ago
    Share Issue 2: Maximum Gross Floor Area for an Individual Farm Labour Residence on Facebook Share Issue 2: Maximum Gross Floor Area for an Individual Farm Labour Residence on Twitter Share Issue 2: Maximum Gross Floor Area for an Individual Farm Labour Residence on Linkedin Email Issue 2: Maximum Gross Floor Area for an Individual Farm Labour Residence link
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    Alternatives for Consideration

    1. Status quo
    2. Increased Maximum GFA to 200m2 for an individual temporary detached structure
    3. Eliminate Maximum GFA Requirement for FLR

    Do you agree with the preliminary recommendation?

    Preliminary Recommendation: Maximum Gross Floor Area of 200m2 

    Increased Maximum GFA to 200m2 for individual temporary detached structures

    Reference Discussion Paper pages 19-20(External link)

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  • Issue 3: Farm Labour Residence Built Form (Temporary vs. Permanent Structures?)

    almost 3 years ago
    Share Issue 3: Farm Labour Residence Built Form (Temporary vs. Permanent Structures?) on Facebook Share Issue 3: Farm Labour Residence Built Form (Temporary vs. Permanent Structures?) on Twitter Share Issue 3: Farm Labour Residence Built Form (Temporary vs. Permanent Structures?) on Linkedin Email Issue 3: Farm Labour Residence Built Form (Temporary vs. Permanent Structures?) link
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    Alternatives for Consideration

    1. Temporary Construction Only (Status Quo)
    2. Permanent FLR permitted for Greenhouse Facilities Only
    3. As-of-right Permanent FLR

    Do you agree with the preliminary recommendation?

    Preliminary Recommendation: FLRs to remain as Temporary Structures 

    Staff recommend FLRs as temporary structures to ensure long term use of lands for agriculture. A temporary structure also ensures a FLR can be removed once no longer required to support a farm operation.

    Reference Discussion Paper pages 21-23(External link)

    Replies Closed
  • Issue 4: Private Servicing

    almost 3 years ago
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    Alternatives for Consideration

    1. Shared Private Servicing (Status Quo)
    2. Separate Private Servicing

    Do you agree with the preliminary recommendation?

    The shared servicing policy is prohibitive in achieving flexible alternatives for agricultural producers to develop FLRs. From a planning policy and zoning regulation perspective, a shared private service would not be required as-of-right, but this does not preclude an owner from implementing a shared system on their property.

    Reference Discussion Paper pages 23-26(External link)

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  • Issue 5: Compatibility with Secondary Dwelling Units

    almost 3 years ago
    Share Issue 5: Compatibility with Secondary Dwelling Units on Facebook Share Issue 5: Compatibility with Secondary Dwelling Units on Twitter Share Issue 5: Compatibility with Secondary Dwelling Units on Linkedin Email Issue 5: Compatibility with Secondary Dwelling Units link
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    Should FLRs and detached Secondary Dwelling Units (SDUs) be permitted as-of-right on the same agricultural parcel?

    City staff are currently undertaking a separate servicing study to explore SDU permissions within the rural area. The outcome of this study may have implications on the how FLRs are permitted on agricultural land from a private servicing perspective (i.e. septic system and water well).  

    Reference Discussion Paper page 27(External link)

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  • Other Issues

    almost 3 years ago
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    Please identify any other FLR issues that we haven’t addressed in the Discussion Paper and provide suggested changes.

    Replies Closed
Page last updated: 01 Sep 2022, 08:28 AM