What is digital storytelling?
Simply put, it is utilizing digital media to tell stories. Storytelling presents a story to an audience (you!) and guides them through a narrative journey. When referring to storytelling online, we have the full range of digital media and tools like video, audio, and animation, to craft a compelling story and interactive journey. Exhibitions are all about storytelling!
What exhibitions are you developing?
The opening lineup of virtual exhibitions is being developed in collaboration with the 175 Advisory Group, partners and community groups. We will share more details before launch date.
Where can I receive updates about Hamilton 175?
Follow #HamOnt175 on social media and check out the Hamilton 175 event page(External link) for project updates and upcoming programs.
Who is in charge of the website?
The City of Hamilton’s Heritage Resource Management section. For more information, contact Cynthia Roberts, Hamilton 175 – Project Lead at Cynthia.Roberts@Hamilton.ca
How is it funded?
The Hamilton 175 project expenditure of 200K is funded through the Tax Stabilization Reserve. You can read the staff report to Council from November 18, 2020(External link) for more details.