What portion of Main Street are you studying?
The study area includes all land within the right-of-way for Main Street from Longwood Road to King Street.
What is an Urban Avenue?
Based on criteria identified in the City of Hamilton’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP), Main Street can be characterized as either an Urban Avenue or Transitioning Avenue depending on the segment. Main Street, between Queen Street and Victoria Avenue, aligns with the characterization of Urban Avenue. The City of Hamilton Complete-Livable-Better (CLB) Streets Policy and Framework describes an Urban Avenue as: “Urban Avenues are located in the most dense, mixed-use urban centres, such as downtown Hamilton. The right of ways for Urban Avenues varies between 36 to 46 metres. Development along Urban Avenues is street-oriented and streets are very busy. These streets carry high volumes of all modes of movements, including transit, cyclists, pedestrians, private automobiles and goods movement vehicles. Street Design generally accommodates transit and provides safe and dedicated facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. In order to promote safety on such busy streets, the design of these streets can include narrow lane widths and a reduction in the number of lanes to devote more space for on-street parking, tree growth, transit and active transportation (e.g. dedicated transit lanes, more comfortable transit stops, wider sidewalks). Compared to the Main Street typology, there is less emphasis on streetscaping within the boulevard, however this is still an important component of the typology. Active transportation is an important component of Urban Avenues as these streets connect neighbourhoods within communities and often form part of the City’s cycling network.” |
What is a Transitioning Avenue?
Based on criteria identified in the City of Hamilton’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP), Main Street can be characterized as either an Urban Avenue or Transitioning Avenue depending on the segment. Main Street, between Longwood Road and Queen Street and between Victoria Avenue and King Street, aligns with the characterization of Transitioning Avenue.
The City of Hamilton Complete-Livable-Better (CLB) Streets Policy and Framework describes a Transitioning Avenue as:
“Transitioning Avenues are major streets that cross the city east-west or north-south with standard right-of-way widths of 36 and 46 metres. They are generally located in commercial or residential areas that are transitioning to a more urbanized and mixed-use context. These streets are expected to undergo a transition from a built form context such as large format retail to medium or high-density mixed-use development or from low-density residential to medium or high density residential. As this occurs it is expected that new development will be more street-oriented than in the past, with higher priority on the access and movement of pedestrians. Transitioning Avenues will continue to be designed to accommodate transit and active transportation and higher vehicle capacity. As such, transit vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians should have a greater proportion of dedicated space within the planned right-of-way. Transitioning Avenues are also major goods movement corridors. They may additionally include a centre median and dedicated turning lanes.”
When will construction start?
This project will be implemented in a phased approach. Identified short-term works were completed by the end of 2022. Other identified works may require additional steps before implementation (i.e. additional studies, detailed design, coordination with the capital program) and it is projected to be done by mid 2023. The construction of the project will be initiated in 2024.
What are you doing to improve safety on Main Street?
The City of Hamilton has initiated a study to develop an implementation plan for the one-way to two-way conversion of Main Street. It integrates a Vision Zero and a Complete Streets redesign that will enable safe use for all people who need to use the street including public transit passengers, pedestrians, motorists and cyclists and will incorporate a climate change lens by providing shade trees and permeable surfaces.
Will neighbouring properties be impacted by the study?
The proposed changes to transportation infrastructure will be limited to the public right-of-way (ROW). Access driveways to adjacent properties along Main Street will also be reviewed to limit potential impacts.
Will Main Street remain a truck route?
Under the Truck Routes Master Plan (June 2022), Main Street is currently a truck route at anytime for all trucks between Longwood Road and Dundurn Street. From Dundurn Street to King Street East, truck traffic is limited to trucks with a maximum of 4 axels. Any changes to Main Street will be in alignment with the current Truck Route Master Plan.
What is an MCEA process?
An MCEA is a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. With the current scope, this study falls under the Schedule A+ process. As of 2020, projects identified as Schedule A+ projects are exempt from the MCEA process. However, the Main Street Conversion project will incorporate elements of the MCEA (such as a public engagement opportunity and publication of study findings) while not formally following the MCEA process. Learn more about the MCEA process
How will the study consider active transportation?
The study aims to create a consistent and well-connected pedestrian network along the length of the study corridor. The study will examine opportunities to implement mid-block pedestrian crossovers at key locations; intersection design improvements; and features to improve pedestrian comfort. These components all contribute to improving pedestrian accessibility, connectivity and safety. Opportunities to support the cycling network will also be explored.
How will the study accommodate bus routes?
Main Street currently has a number of bus routes operating along it. The study will consider the needs of the existing bus routes as well as future changes, such as accommodations required to support the development of the B-Line light rail transit (LRT) project. While the LRT route is not along the entirety of the Main Street study area, the route does connect at the project limits (Longwood Road and King Street) and operates in parallel to the local transit systems that are supported along Main Street.
Will all public engagement activities and events be held virtually?
The public engagement events (such as the PICs) will be organized to align with any current COVID-19 restrictions and/or requirements. It is anticipated that the public consultation in early 2023 will be hosted virtually. More information will be posted on the website closer to the event.