Why are the street name changes necessary?

    The street name changes are necessary to ensure the City’s Public Emergency Response Service provider (Bell Canada) continue to provide the City with reliable service, as well as complying with the Canadian Radio-Television and Tele-communication Commission’s directives on data accuracy for its Next Generation 9-1-1 program.

    Why is my street being renamed rather than the other duplicate street?

    The streets recommended for renaming by Staff and subsequently approved by Council, were selected based on the number of affected properties. Duplicate streets with the least number of properties were chosen in order to minimize the number of impacted residents.

    Are there any rules regarding street naming?

    Street names are subject to review by Staff for compliance with the City’s Street Naming Policy(External link). In addition, any street names should generally be selected from the Approved Street Name List.

    Lastly, street names not on the Approved Street Name List can be put forward for review and approval. However, any street names with proper persons are to be based on persons or groups who have made significant contributions to the community, names of veterans, significant events, or other names that are relatable to the community and its citizens.

    Will the street name change have any financial implications for the residents?

    In review by staff, there are no perceived costs associated with the requested change in street names. However, it is noted that the list provided is not exhaustive, as impacts would differ from property owner to property owner. Any additional costs to property owners can be submitted to the City in accordance with the approved procedure approved by Council.

    Can a prefix be added in front of the existing street name to make it slightly different?

    This is not advisable by the service provider as it would potentially still result in confusion and locational issues as it relates to Emergency Services and Next Generation 9-1-1. However, should this be acceptable and approved by Council, such a change is permissible. Notwithstanding, this represents an opportunity for residents to submit a unique and meaningful name for renaming purposes.