What are Guiding Principles?
Guiding Principles are the philosophies that summarize the expression of ideas and goals that HSR customers shared with us. They’re ambitious statements and they’ll guide the HSR through the rest of the (Re)envision the HSR project and remaining years of the 10-Year Local Transit Strategy. The Guiding Principles were developed based on the results of the My HSR survey from 2019.
Each Guiding Principle is also support by Operating Principles. Many of these principles are how we conduct our business today at HSR, yet we strive to continuously improve and are motivated by customer and community feedback.
Why do we need them?
Guiding Principles set the foundation for future action plans such as new features for our service, a reconfigured network and routes that will be implemented over time, as well as customer experience improvements.
Why are they ‘draft?’
The six Guiding Principles are draft because the final ones will be confirmed by our customers and the broader community over the next several months. We want your endorsement before we move forward. At that point, we’ll consider them to be shared priorities to guide our customer experience action plans and network reconfiguration guidelines.
How can I get more information?
Email your questions to the (Re)envision the HSR team at reenvision@hamilton.ca(External link).
Note that this email address does not replace the HSR Customer Service Line. If you have immediate feedback or complaints about riding HSR, email hsrserve@hamilton.ca(External link) or call 905-527-4441