What is a Zoning By-law?

    A Zoning By-law is a Council approved set of rules and regulations that guide the development of a City.

    Why does zoning matter?

    Zoning regulations provide the rules on how buildings can be built.  Every property in the City is regulated by a Zoning By-law and the rules provide certain limitations to make sure development is appropriate and compatible with the surrounding uses.

    How can I find the zoning for my property?

    To find out what your property is zoned, please visit the City’s Interactive Zoning Maps(External link).

    What is intensification?

    The development of a property, site or area at a higher density than currently exists through redevelopment, the development of vacant and/or underutilized lots within previously developed areas, infill development, and the expansion or conversion of existing buildings.

    What are Low Density Residential Zones?

    Low Density Residential Zones are the residential zones that are found in neighbourhoods across the City.  They permit residential uses like single family homes and semi-detached homes.  Through Reimagining Neighbourhoods, the types of housing permitted in Low Density Residential Zones is expanding to include street townhouses as well as triplexes and fourplexes.

    What are Mid Rise Residential Zones?

    Mid Rise Residential Zones are located on the edge of neighborhoods along main roads, allowing for stacked townhouses, block townhouses, or apartment buildings ranging from 6 to 12 stories depending on the location. These zones aim to provide housing options near public transportation and community services.

    What is a multiplex?

    A multiplex is a term typically used to describe multi-unit housing like triplexes, fourplexes and sixplexes.   Multiplexes contribute to providing “missing middle” housing opportunities.

    What is a multiple dwelling?

    A multiple dwelling is a building with five or more units but does not include a street townhouse. Examples of a multiple dwelling include stacked and block townhouses, as well as apartment and condo buildings.

    How can zoning by-laws provide more housing options in the City of Hamilton?

    Zoning guides how land is used in our communities, including the type and size of buildings that are allowed on each property. In the past, the types of housing options permitted in our neighbourhoods was restrictive. Updates to the Zoning By-law will reduce barriers by permitting housing choice in Hamilton's neighbourhoods.

    How can sustainable development be encouraged?

    Sustainable development can be encouraged by permitting development in existing communities and leveraging existing services and residential land. This can help to minimize the environmental footprint of new housing development.  This is an energy and resource efficient way to deliver more housing options.

    Will these building be subject to the City's new Green Building Standards?

    Yes. Once the Green Building Standards are in effect new Mid-Rise Building will be subject to the requirements through the Site Plan Application process.