Urban Secondary Dwelling Units (SDU) Survey
The City is developing new Zoning By-law regulations for residential areas. One type of housing important to a community is Second Dwelling Units.
A second dwelling unit is a separate and self-contained dwelling unit that is accessory to and located on the same lot as the main house. It can be physically located within the principal dwelling or located within an accessory building to the principal dwelling.
A SDU cannot be severed into a separate lot.
There are 3 types of SDUs and separate Zoning By-law regulations will be developed for each type.
- Within a Single Detached, Semi-Detached or Townhouse
- Detached Second Dwelling Unit (newly built)
- Detached Second Dwelling Unit (conversion of an existing building – shed garage)
Why do we need any Regulations?
- Certain regulations are required to ensure neighbourhood compatibility, minimize neighbourhood impact, maintain privacy as well as address safety and environmental issues.
- Before you answer the survey please take a look at the brochure, the various options that were considered or the Discussion Paper.
- Below are series of questions to get your thoughts on the proposed regulations for the three different types of SDU’s.
If you know a family member, relative, neighbour, co-worker, or friend who do not have access to a computer or internet, please contact us at residentialzoning@hamilton.ca with the name, telephone number, and full address so we can send printed versions so they too can participate in the consultation