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Self-Storage Facilities Review

Self-Storage Facilities Survey

As City of Hamilton staff review the permissions for self-storage facilities in Hamilton to respond to these changes, we’re looking for public feedback on how you use self-storage and what features of a self-storage facility could meet your present and/or future needs.

Note: Images issued in this survey are examples of self-storage facilities in other cities.

This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required

Introductory Questions

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Self-Storage Facility #1 - Urban Adaptive Reuse 

This self-storage facility is located in the urban area, along a transit route, making it accessible by car, transit, cycling and walking. Storage units range in size but are typically small to mid sized. There is a small loading/unloading bay accessed from the front of the building. The ground floor of the building contains services accessory to the self-storage units – packaging and shipping services as well as moving supplies. There are also independent retail stores facing the street.

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Self-Storage Facility #2 - Urban, Standalone Self-Storage 

These self-storage facilities are located in the urban area, along a transit route, making them accessible by car, transit, cycling and walking. There may be a more prominent loading bay accessed from the street. Storage units range in size. The buildings are exclusively devoted to self-storage units, although the ground floor usually has uses that activate the sidewalk - accessory packaging, shipping services and moving supplies. This model of self-storage facility may also contain independent retail stores at the street level.

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What is your preferred location for loading bays at an urban self-storage facility?

Self-Storage Facility #3 - Urban, Mixed Use Building  

These self-storage facilities are situated in urban areas along transit routes, making them easily accessible by car, transit, cycling and walking. The buildings are designed with a mix of uses, typically featuring retail at the ground level to create an active and engaging street frontage. In addition to self-storage, these facilities may also incorporate retail, office, and residential spaces. Storage units vary in size to accommodate different needs.

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What location(s) for this type of self-storage facility would be the most valuable location for residents? (Select all that apply)