By-law Comments

Submit comments regarding the Sewer Use By-law

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Our taxes are not enough? 50% of my earnings are collected by some form of government and you want more?

The city’s mismanagement has caused over development without improving out 50 year old sewer system. Your selling this city out… forcing residents to deal with the outcome and now want to charge us for it??

This year was the first year I have had sewer issues, this is 100% the city of Hamilton’s fault due to over development of the area. Replacing 1 bathroom houses with 4 bathroom mansions and approving multi-unit buildings everywhere they can fit.

You should be giving us back taxes. Not finding ways to collect more.

Cmtremor over 3 years ago

Hello- I noticed the Sewer Use By-Law Surveywhen looking for Hamilton 175. If I am not commenting on your range of concerns, please let me and I will go away. Anyway, where does the issue of sewer NON connections from housing along Chedoke Creek enter this matter? Thanks, Brian

revbrian over 3 years ago