Tourism Hamilton - ideas
What makes Hamilton a great place to visit?
What might prevent a visitor from participating in Hamilton's tourism industry?
Do you invite your friends and relatives to visit you in Hamilton? Why or why not?
Do you believe tourism benefits Hamilton's economy, culture, vibrancy?
What ONE word would you use to describe tourism in Hamilton?
6 months ago
Make Hamilton a Green City
Hamilton is known for its steelmaking pollution and the smell of downtown. We need steelmaking plants to hit their green steel-making targets, have Bunge control their off gassing, and make the lower city more green (trees, gardens, parks, less surface parking) to make the city more people want to visit.
6 months ago
Provide more spaces for people to sit downtown, i.e. expansion of street patios
While there are socioeconomic issues to contend with downtown, providing public spaces with large amounts of eyes can contribute to a safer and more welcoming space for visitors to relax, do business, and enjoy our beautiful city.
6 months ago
To attract more tourists the City should pedestrianize some downtown streets and expand the protected cycling network, similar to Montreal.
6 months ago
Make Hamilton entrance more enticing.
Fixing the pavement on Main St. from the entrance on Hwy 403 to Lock St. Having a digital board facing the 403 with the coming events in Hamilton. This can bring people from Branford or other places to visit Hamilton and bring more revenue to Hamilton.
6 months ago
Focus the areas within walking distance of our go stations. What can we provide in these accessible spaces that is uniquely hamilton?
The best parts of James, with food, entertainment, and shopping are kind of in the middle of the two mid city go stations, develop these towards the stations. From west harbour, add clear signage right from the station platforms to guide folks to the city or the bay front. West harbour is one of the best go stations in the whole system in terms of what you can do near by, in thanks to bay front and proximity to James (still there is space for improvement). How can the area around central go station be improved, what kind of spaces could be created near here to differentiate it from west harbour? How can the column between the two become a perfect day trip in Hamilton. I feel like the go gives us a great opportunity to attract folks in cities on the go network, as well as be a spot to visit for long distance travelers to Toronto
6 months ago
Develop more mountain biking trails along the escarpment. We have the elevation. Let's use it!
6 months ago
I love to invite friends to Hamilton for our vivacious food and drink industry, waterfalls and the art!
Brent Whetstone
6 months ago
Industry to Farm Fields such a diverse city