Notice of Adoption and Approval of an UHOP Amendment & ZBL Amendments (April 13, 2022)

21 Apr 2022

On April 13, 2022, the City of Hamilton Council passed By-law No. 22-070 adopting Urban Hamilton Official Plan Amendment No.165 to the Urban Hamilton Official Plan and By-law Nos. 22-071 and 22-072 approving Zoning By-law Amendments to By-law No. 05-200 and By-law No. 90-145-Z.

Purpose and Effect of Urban Hamilton Official Plan Amendment No. 165 and Zoning By-laws Nos 22-071 and 22-072

Urban Hamilton Official Plan Amendment No. 165 (By-law 22-070)
The purpose and effect of this Amendment is to:

  • Incorporate the Waterdown Community Node Secondary Plan policies and mapping into the Urban Hamilton Official Plan;
  • Identify land use designations, densities, development forms, development standards and site specific policies that respond to the planned vision for the Waterdown Community Node Secondary Plan area; and,
  • Amend existing policies, schedules and appendices of the Urban Hamilton Official Plan, including the West Waterdown Secondary Plan, the Waterdown North Secondary Plan and a Site Specific Policy, to reflect the principles, policies, land use designations and land use features in the Waterdown Community Node Secondary Plan.

The effect of this Amendment is to establish a detailed policy framework to guide the development of lands within the Waterdown Community Node Secondary Plan Area.

Zoning By-law Amendment No. 22-071
The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to:

  • Add three properties to Zoning By-law No. 05-200 and remove one property from Zoning By-law No. 05-200;
  • Change the zoning of some commercial lands from the Mixed Use Medium Density (C5) Zone to the Mixed Use Medium Density – Pedestrian Focused (C5a) Zone; and,
  • Make amendments to some existing Special Exceptions and add new Special Exceptions to establish permitted uses, amenity requirements, parking standards and building height, setback and design standards that are consistent with the Waterdown Community Node Secondary Plan policies.

The effect of this Amendment is to implement the directions of the Waterdown Community Node Secondary Plan.

Zoning By-law Amendment No. 22-072
The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to:

  • Add one property to Zoning By-law No. 90-145-Z;
  • Change the zoning of some lands from the Urban Residential (Single Detached) “R1” Zone to the Core Area Residential “R5” Zone and vice versa; and,
  • Make amendments to some existing Exceptions and add new Exceptions to the Urban Residential (Single Detached) “R1” Zone and Core Area Residential “R5” Zone, to establish permitted uses, heights, setbacks, site design, building design and accessory building requirements that are consistent with the Waterdown Community Node Secondary Plan policies.

The effect of this Amendment is to implement the directions of the Waterdown Community Node Secondary Plan.

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