Barton Street and Fifty Road Improvements EA

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The City of Hamilton initiated the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment in order to assess and evaluate options for widening both Barton Street and Fifty Road within the study area. The City is planning improvements to better serve our community by enhancing ways in which you commute by car, truck, transit, bike or on foot!

We want your input

The public has the opportunity to provide input at key stages of the project process.

The City of Hamilton initiated the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment in order to assess and evaluate options for widening both Barton Street and Fifty Road within the study area. The City is planning improvements to better serve our community by enhancing ways in which you commute by car, truck, transit, bike or on foot!

We want your input

The public has the opportunity to provide input at key stages of the project process.

Do you have a question about this project?

All questions will be collected and staff will do their best to answer during the Virtual PIC. Answers will be posted to this website after the meeting.

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  • Share Hi. When is the next public meeting on this subject? Is there a forum that we can join to be kept apprised of any new information on this project? Please advise. Thanks Paul on Facebook Share Hi. When is the next public meeting on this subject? Is there a forum that we can join to be kept apprised of any new information on this project? Please advise. Thanks Paul on Twitter Share Hi. When is the next public meeting on this subject? Is there a forum that we can join to be kept apprised of any new information on this project? Please advise. Thanks Paul on Linkedin Email Hi. When is the next public meeting on this subject? Is there a forum that we can join to be kept apprised of any new information on this project? Please advise. Thanks Paul link

    Hi. When is the next public meeting on this subject? Is there a forum that we can join to be kept apprised of any new information on this project? Please advise. Thanks Paul

    Paul Rybski asked about 3 years ago

    There are no further public meetings planned for this project, as this meeting has fulfilled the legal requirements of public engagement. However, there will be further notification (similar to the one for this PIC), after Council has approved the project, and when the Environmental Study Report is ready for final review by the public and all stakeholders. We anticipate this taking place early in 2022.

  • Share Where can I see maps showing fifty road proposed expansion and servicing. on Facebook Share Where can I see maps showing fifty road proposed expansion and servicing. on Twitter Share Where can I see maps showing fifty road proposed expansion and servicing. on Linkedin Email Where can I see maps showing fifty road proposed expansion and servicing. link

    Where can I see maps showing fifty road proposed expansion and servicing.

    Danny Civitarese asked over 3 years ago

    Please see this project's Roll Plans for proposed works. For any specific servicing inquiries please ask the Project Manager directly via provided email.

  • Share I wasn't able to login as no meeting number was provided. What is being done with respect to traffic calming measures, specifically, transport trucks using Barton Street as short cuts to factories past Jones Road? Unable to walk and cross the street to get mail as traffic is too busy, so I drive 200 or so metres, and transport trucks are also causing dust pollution and driving well past 11 pm, often hearing reverse warning beeps at 2 or 3 in the morning. The city's solution to dust was to lay gravel on the unpaved portion, and spray the ROAD, which isn't dusty. Air quality study is required as well as sidewalks, and the prohibition of any vehicle over 8 tons on Barton, as is the case on Highway 8, which only has E.D. Smith as the lone factory. There's a reason for the Service be used by transport trucks. Although zoning may be M3, residential homes far outweigh the number of factories, and as such, homeowners deserve the right of quiet enjoyment of their homes, without the dust and noise pollution caused by transport trucks. A four way stop at the corners at Barton and Jones should also be considered to slow down traffic. on Facebook Share I wasn't able to login as no meeting number was provided. What is being done with respect to traffic calming measures, specifically, transport trucks using Barton Street as short cuts to factories past Jones Road? Unable to walk and cross the street to get mail as traffic is too busy, so I drive 200 or so metres, and transport trucks are also causing dust pollution and driving well past 11 pm, often hearing reverse warning beeps at 2 or 3 in the morning. The city's solution to dust was to lay gravel on the unpaved portion, and spray the ROAD, which isn't dusty. Air quality study is required as well as sidewalks, and the prohibition of any vehicle over 8 tons on Barton, as is the case on Highway 8, which only has E.D. Smith as the lone factory. There's a reason for the Service be used by transport trucks. Although zoning may be M3, residential homes far outweigh the number of factories, and as such, homeowners deserve the right of quiet enjoyment of their homes, without the dust and noise pollution caused by transport trucks. A four way stop at the corners at Barton and Jones should also be considered to slow down traffic. on Twitter Share I wasn't able to login as no meeting number was provided. What is being done with respect to traffic calming measures, specifically, transport trucks using Barton Street as short cuts to factories past Jones Road? Unable to walk and cross the street to get mail as traffic is too busy, so I drive 200 or so metres, and transport trucks are also causing dust pollution and driving well past 11 pm, often hearing reverse warning beeps at 2 or 3 in the morning. The city's solution to dust was to lay gravel on the unpaved portion, and spray the ROAD, which isn't dusty. Air quality study is required as well as sidewalks, and the prohibition of any vehicle over 8 tons on Barton, as is the case on Highway 8, which only has E.D. Smith as the lone factory. There's a reason for the Service be used by transport trucks. Although zoning may be M3, residential homes far outweigh the number of factories, and as such, homeowners deserve the right of quiet enjoyment of their homes, without the dust and noise pollution caused by transport trucks. A four way stop at the corners at Barton and Jones should also be considered to slow down traffic. on Linkedin Email I wasn't able to login as no meeting number was provided. What is being done with respect to traffic calming measures, specifically, transport trucks using Barton Street as short cuts to factories past Jones Road? Unable to walk and cross the street to get mail as traffic is too busy, so I drive 200 or so metres, and transport trucks are also causing dust pollution and driving well past 11 pm, often hearing reverse warning beeps at 2 or 3 in the morning. The city's solution to dust was to lay gravel on the unpaved portion, and spray the ROAD, which isn't dusty. Air quality study is required as well as sidewalks, and the prohibition of any vehicle over 8 tons on Barton, as is the case on Highway 8, which only has E.D. Smith as the lone factory. There's a reason for the Service be used by transport trucks. Although zoning may be M3, residential homes far outweigh the number of factories, and as such, homeowners deserve the right of quiet enjoyment of their homes, without the dust and noise pollution caused by transport trucks. A four way stop at the corners at Barton and Jones should also be considered to slow down traffic. link

    I wasn't able to login as no meeting number was provided. What is being done with respect to traffic calming measures, specifically, transport trucks using Barton Street as short cuts to factories past Jones Road? Unable to walk and cross the street to get mail as traffic is too busy, so I drive 200 or so metres, and transport trucks are also causing dust pollution and driving well past 11 pm, often hearing reverse warning beeps at 2 or 3 in the morning. The city's solution to dust was to lay gravel on the unpaved portion, and spray the ROAD, which isn't dusty. Air quality study is required as well as sidewalks, and the prohibition of any vehicle over 8 tons on Barton, as is the case on Highway 8, which only has E.D. Smith as the lone factory. There's a reason for the Service be used by transport trucks. Although zoning may be M3, residential homes far outweigh the number of factories, and as such, homeowners deserve the right of quiet enjoyment of their homes, without the dust and noise pollution caused by transport trucks. A four way stop at the corners at Barton and Jones should also be considered to slow down traffic.

    Barton Street asked over 3 years ago

    City staff are currently leading a City Wide Truck Route Master Plan which determines the best routes, and includes public engagement. Please visit for more information

  • Share UNDRIP - Can you explain UNDRIP and what unforeseen changes UNDRIP proposes to the project as this new legislation just passed third reading on May 25, 2021? Do we need to wait for Senate approval? on Facebook Share UNDRIP - Can you explain UNDRIP and what unforeseen changes UNDRIP proposes to the project as this new legislation just passed third reading on May 25, 2021? Do we need to wait for Senate approval? on Twitter Share UNDRIP - Can you explain UNDRIP and what unforeseen changes UNDRIP proposes to the project as this new legislation just passed third reading on May 25, 2021? Do we need to wait for Senate approval? on Linkedin Email UNDRIP - Can you explain UNDRIP and what unforeseen changes UNDRIP proposes to the project as this new legislation just passed third reading on May 25, 2021? Do we need to wait for Senate approval? link

    UNDRIP - Can you explain UNDRIP and what unforeseen changes UNDRIP proposes to the project as this new legislation just passed third reading on May 25, 2021? Do we need to wait for Senate approval?

    Maria S asked over 3 years ago

    United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People is adopted by Canada. Staff have been working for years, during Environmental Assessments with Indigenous Peoples, and since 2015 Truth and Reconciliation have been strengthening our relationships with the three main Nations that have Constitutional Rights within the City of Hamilton lands, more so than before. We have also engaged with them during the course of this project. Learn more at

  • Share The 2017 PIC deck states there will be bicycle facilities along both corridors. I would like clarification on whether these will be safe separate facilities, or whether they will be combined with a Multi-use Path or whether alternatives are TBD? I would like clarification on what cycling connections are proposed at Fifty and Service Rd. Recently, the N Service Rd interchange was reconstructed without safe cycling and pedestrian facilities. Currently, the QEW interchange, which could provide connections to the bike lanes north of the intersection, is not bicycle friendly. On N Service Road, there are paved shoulders in Niagara (connecting the next QEW flyover & Grimsby), but a 1 kms gap in paved shoulders on the Hamilton side (same on Hwy 8). There is no safe bicycle access to the commercial centre under construction or to the Winona QEW flyover (and most bizarrely, a bike lane was constructed only on one side of Winona) - in other words, there are NO cycling connections - what connections are planned for cycling / pedestrian facilities at Service Road?? on Facebook Share The 2017 PIC deck states there will be bicycle facilities along both corridors. I would like clarification on whether these will be safe separate facilities, or whether they will be combined with a Multi-use Path or whether alternatives are TBD? I would like clarification on what cycling connections are proposed at Fifty and Service Rd. Recently, the N Service Rd interchange was reconstructed without safe cycling and pedestrian facilities. Currently, the QEW interchange, which could provide connections to the bike lanes north of the intersection, is not bicycle friendly. On N Service Road, there are paved shoulders in Niagara (connecting the next QEW flyover & Grimsby), but a 1 kms gap in paved shoulders on the Hamilton side (same on Hwy 8). There is no safe bicycle access to the commercial centre under construction or to the Winona QEW flyover (and most bizarrely, a bike lane was constructed only on one side of Winona) - in other words, there are NO cycling connections - what connections are planned for cycling / pedestrian facilities at Service Road?? on Twitter Share The 2017 PIC deck states there will be bicycle facilities along both corridors. I would like clarification on whether these will be safe separate facilities, or whether they will be combined with a Multi-use Path or whether alternatives are TBD? I would like clarification on what cycling connections are proposed at Fifty and Service Rd. Recently, the N Service Rd interchange was reconstructed without safe cycling and pedestrian facilities. Currently, the QEW interchange, which could provide connections to the bike lanes north of the intersection, is not bicycle friendly. On N Service Road, there are paved shoulders in Niagara (connecting the next QEW flyover & Grimsby), but a 1 kms gap in paved shoulders on the Hamilton side (same on Hwy 8). There is no safe bicycle access to the commercial centre under construction or to the Winona QEW flyover (and most bizarrely, a bike lane was constructed only on one side of Winona) - in other words, there are NO cycling connections - what connections are planned for cycling / pedestrian facilities at Service Road?? on Linkedin Email The 2017 PIC deck states there will be bicycle facilities along both corridors. I would like clarification on whether these will be safe separate facilities, or whether they will be combined with a Multi-use Path or whether alternatives are TBD? I would like clarification on what cycling connections are proposed at Fifty and Service Rd. Recently, the N Service Rd interchange was reconstructed without safe cycling and pedestrian facilities. Currently, the QEW interchange, which could provide connections to the bike lanes north of the intersection, is not bicycle friendly. On N Service Road, there are paved shoulders in Niagara (connecting the next QEW flyover & Grimsby), but a 1 kms gap in paved shoulders on the Hamilton side (same on Hwy 8). There is no safe bicycle access to the commercial centre under construction or to the Winona QEW flyover (and most bizarrely, a bike lane was constructed only on one side of Winona) - in other words, there are NO cycling connections - what connections are planned for cycling / pedestrian facilities at Service Road?? link

    The 2017 PIC deck states there will be bicycle facilities along both corridors. I would like clarification on whether these will be safe separate facilities, or whether they will be combined with a Multi-use Path or whether alternatives are TBD? I would like clarification on what cycling connections are proposed at Fifty and Service Rd. Recently, the N Service Rd interchange was reconstructed without safe cycling and pedestrian facilities. Currently, the QEW interchange, which could provide connections to the bike lanes north of the intersection, is not bicycle friendly. On N Service Road, there are paved shoulders in Niagara (connecting the next QEW flyover & Grimsby), but a 1 kms gap in paved shoulders on the Hamilton side (same on Hwy 8). There is no safe bicycle access to the commercial centre under construction or to the Winona QEW flyover (and most bizarrely, a bike lane was constructed only on one side of Winona) - in other words, there are NO cycling connections - what connections are planned for cycling / pedestrian facilities at Service Road??

    FP asked over 3 years ago

    The Cycling Master Plan has been updated in 2018, and provides the plan for the City Wide cycling network. The Cycling Master Plan provides direction for this project and many others in the City, and is a long term plan. The provision of bicycle infrastructure separated from vehicular traffic is the safest form available, and therefore this project proposes that form.

  • Share Is 'not widening the road' an option? We are in a climate emergency and at this point should only be widening roads to provide accessibility that doesn't already exist. Widening roads does not relieve automobile congestion, automobile use increases whenever additional capacity is added. Widening roads increases the city's infrastructure deficit exponentially. When are we going to stop doing things that don't work anywhere on this planet that they are tried? on Facebook Share Is 'not widening the road' an option? We are in a climate emergency and at this point should only be widening roads to provide accessibility that doesn't already exist. Widening roads does not relieve automobile congestion, automobile use increases whenever additional capacity is added. Widening roads increases the city's infrastructure deficit exponentially. When are we going to stop doing things that don't work anywhere on this planet that they are tried? on Twitter Share Is 'not widening the road' an option? We are in a climate emergency and at this point should only be widening roads to provide accessibility that doesn't already exist. Widening roads does not relieve automobile congestion, automobile use increases whenever additional capacity is added. Widening roads increases the city's infrastructure deficit exponentially. When are we going to stop doing things that don't work anywhere on this planet that they are tried? on Linkedin Email Is 'not widening the road' an option? We are in a climate emergency and at this point should only be widening roads to provide accessibility that doesn't already exist. Widening roads does not relieve automobile congestion, automobile use increases whenever additional capacity is added. Widening roads increases the city's infrastructure deficit exponentially. When are we going to stop doing things that don't work anywhere on this planet that they are tried? link

    Is 'not widening the road' an option? We are in a climate emergency and at this point should only be widening roads to provide accessibility that doesn't already exist. Widening roads does not relieve automobile congestion, automobile use increases whenever additional capacity is added. Widening roads increases the city's infrastructure deficit exponentially. When are we going to stop doing things that don't work anywhere on this planet that they are tried?

    CA asked over 3 years ago

    The decision to widen the road has been determined during the Stoney Creek Urban Boundary Expansion Transportation Master Plan (2008) process, which served to support the Fruitland-Winona Secondary Plan (2014) and updated by the City Wide Transportation Master Plan (TMO 2018) direction for up to and including 2041 population growth, as directed by the province. The road is widened in part to provide other alternatives to personal car use, such as future buses, safe and comfortable (with trees and street furniture) appropriate width sidewalks and bicycle space, that will provide a choice for those who do not wish to drive.   Barton and Fifty Road within the study area remain truck routes, and will be used by transit, and school buses. The model used for traffic predictions for the City Wide TMP and for this project provide direction on the mode of transportation assumptions as well as the aspiration of choices that the public would be encouraged to make. We now are providing adequate space for the estimated growth in population in the area for each mode.

  • Share As the initial proposal calls for widening of the road on Barton st, will the city be covering the the catch basins that run right in front of properties on Barton st?. Also as the street would be widened will a part of my land we taken up, this is where my driveway is? If it will be will home owners get compensated for that land. on Facebook Share As the initial proposal calls for widening of the road on Barton st, will the city be covering the the catch basins that run right in front of properties on Barton st?. Also as the street would be widened will a part of my land we taken up, this is where my driveway is? If it will be will home owners get compensated for that land. on Twitter Share As the initial proposal calls for widening of the road on Barton st, will the city be covering the the catch basins that run right in front of properties on Barton st?. Also as the street would be widened will a part of my land we taken up, this is where my driveway is? If it will be will home owners get compensated for that land. on Linkedin Email As the initial proposal calls for widening of the road on Barton st, will the city be covering the the catch basins that run right in front of properties on Barton st?. Also as the street would be widened will a part of my land we taken up, this is where my driveway is? If it will be will home owners get compensated for that land. link

    As the initial proposal calls for widening of the road on Barton st, will the city be covering the the catch basins that run right in front of properties on Barton st?. Also as the street would be widened will a part of my land we taken up, this is where my driveway is? If it will be will home owners get compensated for that land.

    Imran asked over 3 years ago

    The road widening will involve moving all the underground infrastructure along with it. The coming road widening will require changes to the underground and above ground road functions. If you have particular questions about your property, the City would require your address. Please contact the Project Manager or Consultant directly to discuss your particular land impacts. Yes, compensation will be provided if land taking is required from existing land owners, at fair market value assessed at time of purchase. The City would approach impacted land owners during the detailed design stage, which follows this environmental assessment process, and which is currently scheduled to be initiated in 2025.

  • Share How are the properties on Barton affected by this work being done? on Facebook Share How are the properties on Barton affected by this work being done? on Twitter Share How are the properties on Barton affected by this work being done? on Linkedin Email How are the properties on Barton affected by this work being done? link

    How are the properties on Barton affected by this work being done?

    Vic asked over 3 years ago

    The impacts on the affected properties can be seen on the Roll Plans, available for viewing on the Engage Hamilton website - PIC#1 link. There interim scenario is likely to happen much sooner than the ultimate scenario, i.e. ultimate may not happen until redevelopment of existing homes takes place, as the City of Hamilton prefers to buy property from willing sellers whenever possible. Where we can wait with implementation of ultimate scenario's property purchasing we will do so. Properties required for proposed road widenings are asked to be dedicated to the City when development applications are received.

Page last updated: 01 Aug 2024, 03:36 PM