What is the Community Climate Change Advisory Committee and why is the City creating this committee?
The Community Climate Change Advisory Committee is a newly created committee that will advise Council and Staff on issues related to the implementation of the Hamilton Climate Action Strategy that was approved by Council in August 2022. The Committee will help to uphold the commitment to ensuring climate action is fair, equitable and transparent to our community.
What will the Community Climate Change Advisory Committee actually do?
This committee has a Terms of Reference that were approved by Council in January 2023. The Terms of Reference sets out the overall purpose, objectives and composition of the Community Climate Change Advisory Committee. View the Terms of Reference
How much time will I need to commit if I am selected to be a member of the Community Climate Change Advisory Committee?
Currently the time commitment established in the Terms of Reference is based on the Committee meeting a minimum of 3 times per year. Committee members are appointed for a four (4) year term coinciding with the term of Council. The meeting dates and times will be established after the committee is created with help from City Staff. There will likely be working groups established by the Committee to discuss specific topics and issues in more detail, however committee member participation in these working groups is not mandatory.
Will I be compensated for my time participating on the Community Climate Change Advisory Committee?
As with all other advisory committees this is a non-paid voluntary position. However, support may be offered to committee members where a barrier to participation has been identified such as a need for child care or the care of other dependents, travel costs, translation services, or any other supports that may be identified.
I am interested in participating in the Climate Change Advisory Committee. How do I submit my application?
A formal application process will launch in early April, with interviews and decisions on committee members unfolding by June of 2023. Applications should be available in early April on the City’s website. Please stay tuned for more information about when the application process opens and how interested community members can submit an application.
To be added to the email distribution list, please email the Staff Project Lead Trevor Imhoff, Senior Project Manager, Office of Climate Change Initiatives at Trevor.Imhoff@hamilton.ca