Mountain Drive Park Masterplan

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Consultation has concluded

The City of Hamilton is developing a Masterplan for Mountain Drive Park, located at 935 Concession Street(External link) in Wards 6 and 7. A Masterplan is a planning tool used to develop a vision for the project and identify future park improvements, a budget and a timeline for implementation.

A Masterplan follows an established process and includes:

  1. inventory and analysis;
  2. establishment of a project vision and criteria for success;
  3. development and evaluation of feasible design options and selection of a preferred option; and
  4. identification of a budget and timeline for implementation.

As part of the Masterplan we will be collecting feedback from the community at specific points during the process. Your feedback will be crucial to developing a vision and selecting a preferred concept for the park.

Survey Results

Master Plan Concept Designs

  • Main Park Development Option
  • Mountain Park Avenue Development Option A - One-way Conversion
    Design details - Convert Mountain Park Avenue from a two-way street to a one-way street, eastbound from Upper Sherman Avenue to Concession Street. This option includes re-organizing the west parking lot into lay-by’s along Mountain Park Avenue and re-claiming the west parking lot area for greenspace. This option allows the full length of the existing trail to be widened to 3 metres to eliminate all pinch points and add designated look-outs and viewing areas with seating and binoculars. Note that vehicular accesses to the apartment buildings along Mountain Park Avenue are off Concession Street, except for the most westerly building and their access will be maintained with this option.
  • Mountain Park Avenue Development Option B - Pedestrianization of Mountain Park Avenue
    Design details - Maintain and enhance the west and east parking lots, but close the remaining sections of Mountain Park Avenue to all vehicular traffic between Upper Sherman Avenue to Concession Street, except for emergency and maintenance vehicles. Allow pedestrians, cyclists etc. to use the former street as a trail or for event space and convert the former trail into greenspace, planting, and designated look-outs and viewing areas with seating. This option eliminates all pinch points and will include the additional of drop curbs for accessibility to connecting pathways and designated look-out areas.

The City of Hamilton is developing a Masterplan for Mountain Drive Park, located at 935 Concession Street(External link) in Wards 6 and 7. A Masterplan is a planning tool used to develop a vision for the project and identify future park improvements, a budget and a timeline for implementation.

A Masterplan follows an established process and includes:

  1. inventory and analysis;
  2. establishment of a project vision and criteria for success;
  3. development and evaluation of feasible design options and selection of a preferred option; and
  4. identification of a budget and timeline for implementation.

As part of the Masterplan we will be collecting feedback from the community at specific points during the process. Your feedback will be crucial to developing a vision and selecting a preferred concept for the park.

Survey Results

Master Plan Concept Designs

  • Main Park Development Option
  • Mountain Park Avenue Development Option A - One-way Conversion
    Design details - Convert Mountain Park Avenue from a two-way street to a one-way street, eastbound from Upper Sherman Avenue to Concession Street. This option includes re-organizing the west parking lot into lay-by’s along Mountain Park Avenue and re-claiming the west parking lot area for greenspace. This option allows the full length of the existing trail to be widened to 3 metres to eliminate all pinch points and add designated look-outs and viewing areas with seating and binoculars. Note that vehicular accesses to the apartment buildings along Mountain Park Avenue are off Concession Street, except for the most westerly building and their access will be maintained with this option.
  • Mountain Park Avenue Development Option B - Pedestrianization of Mountain Park Avenue
    Design details - Maintain and enhance the west and east parking lots, but close the remaining sections of Mountain Park Avenue to all vehicular traffic between Upper Sherman Avenue to Concession Street, except for emergency and maintenance vehicles. Allow pedestrians, cyclists etc. to use the former street as a trail or for event space and convert the former trail into greenspace, planting, and designated look-outs and viewing areas with seating. This option eliminates all pinch points and will include the additional of drop curbs for accessibility to connecting pathways and designated look-out areas.
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The survey is now closed. Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The survey is now closed. Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

    Consultation has concluded
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