Key Dates
Public information Centre
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Community members interested in attending the Public Information Centre are to RSVP with the Ward 7 Councillor’s office at link) and indicate in the subject line, “RSVP for Mountain Drive Park Public Information Centre, Sept.9.2021”
Note: This Public Information Centre (PIC) will be audio recorded. To protect the privacy of attendees, no visuals, except for staff presentation materials will form part of the recording, and questions may be submitted via the WebEx chat box for staff to read out and respond to.
The audio recording will be made available on the Mountain Drive Park project web-page for those who could not attend the PIC. The audio recording will be removed at the completion of the Mountain Drive Park Masterplan project.
City staff will advise attendees prior to starting the audio recording. If you do not wish to be audio recorded, please speak with the staff organizing the event about other ways to provide your input.
The City of Hamilton collects information under authority of `Section 227 of the Municipal Act, 2001'. Any personal information collected for the Mountain Drive Park Masterplan project will be used for purposes related to this project and will not be shared.
Park Masterplan Survey #2
Please review the development options provided to familiarize yourself with the features being improved. There is a total of one (1) development option for the main park area and a total of two (2) development options for Mountain Park Avenue.
Park Masterplan Survey #1
The City would like to hear what you value about the park, what you would like to see protected, improved and added. This will help shape a vision for the park and establish a criteria for success. Please take the time to complete the survey, your opinion matters to us.