Pier 8 Block 16 Opportunity Study
Consultation has concluded
The City is carrying out an update to the Pier 7+8 Urban Design Study (2016) for lands identified as Block 16 on Pier 8(External link) (PDF, 556 KB) in Hamilton’s West Harbour.
The purpose of the study is to develop urban design guidelines for mid-rise and high-rise development on Block 16.
The study is a result of a Local Planning Appeal Tribunal settlement decision regarding Case No. PL170742(External link) (PDF, 1 MB) , which directs the City to bring forward, for Council’s consideration, an amendment to the Setting Sail Secondary Plan and an implementing zoning by-law amendment that would re-designate the existing institutional block (Block 16) to permit residential or mixed use in a mid-rise or high-rise form.
UPDATE: On August 13, 2021 the Pier 8 Block 16 Urban Design Guidelines(External link) were approved by Council.
The City is carrying out an update to the Pier 7+8 Urban Design Study (2016) for lands identified as Block 16 on Pier 8(External link) (PDF, 556 KB) in Hamilton’s West Harbour.
The purpose of the study is to develop urban design guidelines for mid-rise and high-rise development on Block 16.
The study is a result of a Local Planning Appeal Tribunal settlement decision regarding Case No. PL170742(External link) (PDF, 1 MB) , which directs the City to bring forward, for Council’s consideration, an amendment to the Setting Sail Secondary Plan and an implementing zoning by-law amendment that would re-designate the existing institutional block (Block 16) to permit residential or mixed use in a mid-rise or high-rise form.
UPDATE: On August 13, 2021 the Pier 8 Block 16 Urban Design Guidelines(External link) were approved by Council.
A virtual information meeting was held on November 5, 2020 to present background information and discuss the update to the existing Pier 7 + 8 Design Study.
Share Could you please provide an update on where the decision making process is at this time? Thanks. on Facebook Share Could you please provide an update on where the decision making process is at this time? Thanks. on Twitter Share Could you please provide an update on where the decision making process is at this time? Thanks. on Linkedin Email Could you please provide an update on where the decision making process is at this time? Thanks. link
Could you please provide an update on where the decision making process is at this time? Thanks.
chester asked almost 4 years agoThe Pier 8 Block 16 Urban Design Guidelines are still in Draft format and will be presented to the City of Hamilton’s Design Review Panel on April 8, 2021 for comment.
Share Why was the zoning for block 16 changed from institutional to residential or mixed use ? If there are, currently, no applications for development submitted, then who pushed for this change ? Can you please answer as specifically as possible - who, or what organization, or city department, or city councillor, or private company - wanted the zoning changed ? I think block 16 should remain zoned for institutional - who knows what interesting proposals and uses could occur in the future ? Once developed, it will be that way for a hundred years. on Facebook Share Why was the zoning for block 16 changed from institutional to residential or mixed use ? If there are, currently, no applications for development submitted, then who pushed for this change ? Can you please answer as specifically as possible - who, or what organization, or city department, or city councillor, or private company - wanted the zoning changed ? I think block 16 should remain zoned for institutional - who knows what interesting proposals and uses could occur in the future ? Once developed, it will be that way for a hundred years. on Twitter Share Why was the zoning for block 16 changed from institutional to residential or mixed use ? If there are, currently, no applications for development submitted, then who pushed for this change ? Can you please answer as specifically as possible - who, or what organization, or city department, or city councillor, or private company - wanted the zoning changed ? I think block 16 should remain zoned for institutional - who knows what interesting proposals and uses could occur in the future ? Once developed, it will be that way for a hundred years. on Linkedin Email Why was the zoning for block 16 changed from institutional to residential or mixed use ? If there are, currently, no applications for development submitted, then who pushed for this change ? Can you please answer as specifically as possible - who, or what organization, or city department, or city councillor, or private company - wanted the zoning changed ? I think block 16 should remain zoned for institutional - who knows what interesting proposals and uses could occur in the future ? Once developed, it will be that way for a hundred years. link
Why was the zoning for block 16 changed from institutional to residential or mixed use ? If there are, currently, no applications for development submitted, then who pushed for this change ? Can you please answer as specifically as possible - who, or what organization, or city department, or city councillor, or private company - wanted the zoning changed ? I think block 16 should remain zoned for institutional - who knows what interesting proposals and uses could occur in the future ? Once developed, it will be that way for a hundred years.
John Boddy asked over 4 years agoThe Zoning for Block 16 has not been changed yet. In 2017, the Zoning By-law amendment and draft Plan of Subdivision for the lands known as Pier 8 (Guise Street, Hamilton) were appealed by the Harbour West Neighbours Inc. to the Local Planning Area Tribunal (Case No. PL170742(External link)). An agreement was reached by way of a settlement between the City, Waterfront Shores Corporation (WSC), and the Harbour West Neighbours Inc (HWN). The minutes of settlement direct the City to bring forward, for Planning Committee and Council’s consideration, an amendment to the Setting Sail Secondary Plan and an implementing zoning-by-law amendment that would re-designate the existing institutional block (Block 16) on Pier 8 to permit residential or mixed use in a mid-rise or high-rise form. This Information Update (External link)contains details about the appeal and the study. More detained information will be presented at the Virtual Information meeting on November 5, 2020.
zoning,lpatzoning lpat -
Share What are the timelines for this project? Specifically when will units go on sale. on Facebook Share What are the timelines for this project? Specifically when will units go on sale. on Twitter Share What are the timelines for this project? Specifically when will units go on sale. on Linkedin Email What are the timelines for this project? Specifically when will units go on sale. link
What are the timelines for this project? Specifically when will units go on sale.
Paul G. asked over 4 years agoThe timing for Block 16 is unknown, it still has to go through a development application process to determine the land use and height. However, the approved lands on Pier 8 (the residential and commercial mixed-use development) will be constructed by a private-sector development firm by the name of Waterfront Shores, the principles of which are Cityzen Developments and Tercot Communities. Website links: http://www.cityzen.ca/#sec1(External link) and http://www.tercot.com/under-development/waterfront-shores-hamilton(External link)
Share I know a decision has yet to be made on the maximum height of the block. But could you go over the possible benefits and conversely the potential negatives of having high rise buildings in the area of the waterfront redevelopment. on Facebook Share I know a decision has yet to be made on the maximum height of the block. But could you go over the possible benefits and conversely the potential negatives of having high rise buildings in the area of the waterfront redevelopment. on Twitter Share I know a decision has yet to be made on the maximum height of the block. But could you go over the possible benefits and conversely the potential negatives of having high rise buildings in the area of the waterfront redevelopment. on Linkedin Email I know a decision has yet to be made on the maximum height of the block. But could you go over the possible benefits and conversely the potential negatives of having high rise buildings in the area of the waterfront redevelopment. link
I know a decision has yet to be made on the maximum height of the block. But could you go over the possible benefits and conversely the potential negatives of having high rise buildings in the area of the waterfront redevelopment.
Josh Stewart asked over 4 years agoThank you for your comment. There is only one site that is being studied for an increase in height and that is Block 16. As per the minutes of settlement, if an application to increase height is approved, the number of two or more bedroom units that the developer has to provide across the entire area of Pier 8 has to increase as follows: +4 storeys = 25 additional family units (AFU), +5-11 storeys = 50 AFU, +12-19 storeys = 75 AFU, +20-30 storeys = 100 AFU, =31 storeys = 150 AFU (please note, the overall cap of 1,645 units across the entirety of Pier 8 remains unchanged). Within Hamilton there is a growing demand for larger units to accommodate different household sizes. A taller building in this area would ensure more larger units are built on Pier 8.
Depending on the shape, form, height and design of a building, real or perceived negative impacts can be mitigated with the appropriate combination of site design, urban design and architecture. The purpose of the Pier 8 Block 16 Study is to develop the performance standards and design criteria if an application was submitted that challenged the current height permissions on the site. These performance standards include best practice design criteria that mitigate the potential negative impacts of taller development.
building heightbuilding height -
Share NO to increased building heights (none over 4 stories) that block out lake views from escarpment. As per West Harbour Recreational Master Plan and Setting Sail. I am a resident on Hughson St North. on Facebook Share NO to increased building heights (none over 4 stories) that block out lake views from escarpment. As per West Harbour Recreational Master Plan and Setting Sail. I am a resident on Hughson St North. on Twitter Share NO to increased building heights (none over 4 stories) that block out lake views from escarpment. As per West Harbour Recreational Master Plan and Setting Sail. I am a resident on Hughson St North. on Linkedin Email NO to increased building heights (none over 4 stories) that block out lake views from escarpment. As per West Harbour Recreational Master Plan and Setting Sail. I am a resident on Hughson St North. link
NO to increased building heights (none over 4 stories) that block out lake views from escarpment. As per West Harbour Recreational Master Plan and Setting Sail. I am a resident on Hughson St North.
Danny asked over 4 years agoThank you for your comment. The purpose of the Pier 8 Block 16 Study is to develop urban design guidelines for buildings greater than four storeys on Block 16 on Pier 8. These guidelines will assist staff and Council when making a decision on an application for increased height for this property. Currently, there is no application submitted.
building heightbuilding height -
Share So, to clarify your answer - you are saying that the proposed rezoning of block 16 from institutional to residential or mixed use is due to the legal actions of the Harbour West Neighbours Inc ? If it were not for the Harbour West Neighbours Inc. appeal to the Local Planning Area Tribunal then block 16 would remain zoned as institutional ? Why does the HWN Inc. want the zoning changed from institutional ? HWN Inc. does not represent any body but themselves - they are self-appointed and do not represent the wider community. The city should ignore the legal actions of HWN Inc. as they have no more legitimacy in a representative democracy than any group of self-appointed, unelected individuals. on Facebook Share So, to clarify your answer - you are saying that the proposed rezoning of block 16 from institutional to residential or mixed use is due to the legal actions of the Harbour West Neighbours Inc ? If it were not for the Harbour West Neighbours Inc. appeal to the Local Planning Area Tribunal then block 16 would remain zoned as institutional ? Why does the HWN Inc. want the zoning changed from institutional ? HWN Inc. does not represent any body but themselves - they are self-appointed and do not represent the wider community. The city should ignore the legal actions of HWN Inc. as they have no more legitimacy in a representative democracy than any group of self-appointed, unelected individuals. on Twitter Share So, to clarify your answer - you are saying that the proposed rezoning of block 16 from institutional to residential or mixed use is due to the legal actions of the Harbour West Neighbours Inc ? If it were not for the Harbour West Neighbours Inc. appeal to the Local Planning Area Tribunal then block 16 would remain zoned as institutional ? Why does the HWN Inc. want the zoning changed from institutional ? HWN Inc. does not represent any body but themselves - they are self-appointed and do not represent the wider community. The city should ignore the legal actions of HWN Inc. as they have no more legitimacy in a representative democracy than any group of self-appointed, unelected individuals. on Linkedin Email So, to clarify your answer - you are saying that the proposed rezoning of block 16 from institutional to residential or mixed use is due to the legal actions of the Harbour West Neighbours Inc ? If it were not for the Harbour West Neighbours Inc. appeal to the Local Planning Area Tribunal then block 16 would remain zoned as institutional ? Why does the HWN Inc. want the zoning changed from institutional ? HWN Inc. does not represent any body but themselves - they are self-appointed and do not represent the wider community. The city should ignore the legal actions of HWN Inc. as they have no more legitimacy in a representative democracy than any group of self-appointed, unelected individuals. link
So, to clarify your answer - you are saying that the proposed rezoning of block 16 from institutional to residential or mixed use is due to the legal actions of the Harbour West Neighbours Inc ? If it were not for the Harbour West Neighbours Inc. appeal to the Local Planning Area Tribunal then block 16 would remain zoned as institutional ? Why does the HWN Inc. want the zoning changed from institutional ? HWN Inc. does not represent any body but themselves - they are self-appointed and do not represent the wider community. The city should ignore the legal actions of HWN Inc. as they have no more legitimacy in a representative democracy than any group of self-appointed, unelected individuals.
John Boddy asked over 4 years agoThank you for your comment. The direction to bring forward an official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment was a result of an LPAT settlement. A change of land use and height on Block 16 would result in more family friendly housing units being provided on Pier 8 (as per the parameters set out in the minutes of settlement(External link)).
lpat,zoninglpat zoning
Who's Listening
Phone 905-546-2424,1250 Email alissa.mahood@hamilton.ca (External link) -
Phone 905-546-2424,2058 Email jennifer.roth@hamilton.ca (External link)
Key Dates
November 05 2020
November 05 → November 19 2020
Project Timeline
Project Launch
Pier 8 Block 16 Opportunity Study has finished this stageJanuary 2020
Built Form Analysis
Pier 8 Block 16 Opportunity Study has finished this stageFebruary - May 2020
Design Review Panel
Pier 8 Block 16 Opportunity Study has finished this stageJuly 14, 2020
Urban Design Guideline Development
Pier 8 Block 16 Opportunity Study has finished this stageAugust - September 2020
Pier 8 Block 16 Opportunity Study has finished this stageOctober - November 2020
Planning Committee/Council
Pier 8 Block 16 Opportunity Study has finished this stageAugust 13, 2021
Project Complete
Pier 8 Block 16 Opportunity Study is currently at this stageAugust 2021