Why is the City carrying out this study?

    The City is carrying out the study to develop urban design guidelines for a mid-rise and high-rise building on Block 16 on Pier 8. The study is a result of a Local Planning Appeal Tribunal settlement decision regarding Case No. PL170742(External link) (PDF, 1 MB), which directs the City to bring forward, for Planning Committee and Council’s consideration, an amendment to the Setting Sail Secondary Plan and an implementing zoning by-law amendment that would re-designate the existing institutional block (Block 16) to permit residential or mixed use in a mid-rise or high-rise form. Prior to bringing forward the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments, urban design guidelines need to be developed to provide performance standards for evaluating the amendments. 

    Has any decision been made regarding the maximum heights on this Block?

    No. Although the City has agreed to bring forward an Official Plan and Zoning by-law amendment for Council’s consideration, there was no commitment for additional height on Block 16. Any application for increased height or a change in land use will proceed through the statutory planning application process under the Planning Act. This process includes a statutory public meeting of the Planning Committee.