City Services & Assets Review

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The City of Hamilton provides many services to many customers including residents, business owners, students, commuters and tourists. This includes services you might not even think about such as clean drinking water and that fire hydrants are working in case of an emergency. The City delivers these services using taxpayer money, and we want feedback from you on how we’re doing.

The City of Hamilton strives to measure the services that our customers are receiving, and how effective we are at delivering those services. Hearing a range of perspectives will give us the opportunity to ensure that future planning of services aligns with our customer needs.

Throughout the planning process your thoughts, opinions and satisfaction levels will be used to shape the plan, priorities and strategies for future levels of service.

Tell us what you think about the current services provided by the City of Hamilton by completing our short survey. Your feedback is vital to ensuring that the City aligns services with our customer needs.

We want to hear from you!

You will see regularly scheduled survey opportunities for you to provide your valuable feedback on City services.

The City of Hamilton provides many services to many customers including residents, business owners, students, commuters and tourists. This includes services you might not even think about such as clean drinking water and that fire hydrants are working in case of an emergency. The City delivers these services using taxpayer money, and we want feedback from you on how we’re doing.

The City of Hamilton strives to measure the services that our customers are receiving, and how effective we are at delivering those services. Hearing a range of perspectives will give us the opportunity to ensure that future planning of services aligns with our customer needs.

Throughout the planning process your thoughts, opinions and satisfaction levels will be used to shape the plan, priorities and strategies for future levels of service.

Tell us what you think about the current services provided by the City of Hamilton by completing our short survey. Your feedback is vital to ensuring that the City aligns services with our customer needs.

We want to hear from you!

You will see regularly scheduled survey opportunities for you to provide your valuable feedback on City services.

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Parking Infrastructure

over 1 year

Please provide location-specific comments regarding parking in the City of Hamilton. Your comments will help us identify issues, challenges and opportunities.

You may submit multiple pins, and will be asked for details of the issue for each placed pin.

  1. Select Add Pin using the + icon
  2. Drag topic specific pin to location of issue
  3. Provide details of the issue
CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
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Current Level of Service Map

over 1 year

Please provide location-specific comments on the current level of service for our core corporate assets . Your comments will help us identify issues, challenges and opportunities with the existing level of service for our core corporate assets.

For each pin placed you will be asked for some additional comments:

  • Comment box 1 - Type of defiency 2 or 3 word description (ie. pot hole, traffic light out, etc. )
  • Comment box 2 - Detailed description of the deficiency
  • Comment box 3 - The last time you noticed this deficiency

Please complete the additional information for each pin placed. You can submit multiple pins.

Mapping tool closes February 18, 2022 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Page last updated: 06 Feb 2024, 09:55 AM