Urban Forest Strategy

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The Hamilton Urban Forest Strategy (UFS) will be a plan to ensure the long-term health of Hamilton’s urban forest. It will provide a community-developed vision and actions to guide us in maintaining and growing the urban forest.

Why is a Strategy Needed?

We all know that trees are important. Trees are the single solution to many of our challenges, especially in a changing climate. Trees are often called “green infrastructure” because they provide many valuable ecosystem services. These services include improving air and water quality, controlling floods, beautifying neighbourhoods, reducing energy use, providing habitat for wildlife, and providing recreation opportunities.

However, pressures on trees are increasing, due to pests and diseases, drought and severe weather from climate change, development, and invasive species.

Trees live a long time and need to be carefully planned for and managed. That is why Hamilton needs a comprehensive plan for its urban forest.

For the past two years, the City of Hamilton’s Development Planning, Heritage and Design Section has been working with stakeholders, residents, and other City staff to prepare an Urban Forest Strategy for Hamilton.

In 2018, the City hired a consultant team to gather data on the urban forest and review by-laws, guidelines and policies. During this time, the City also received feedback, gathered during numerous engagement activities. Using this feedback and background data, a draft Urban Forest Strategy report has been prepared.

Two draft reports are now available for your review and comment: the Urban Forest Strategy and the Technical Report.

The City welcomes your comments on the draft reports. Please participate – the UFS will be better if more people provide input!

A Virtual Meeting was held on February 9, 2021 from 6:30 to 8 pm. Watch the recap of the presentation on the urban forest strategy and review questions and answers below.

The Hamilton Urban Forest Strategy (UFS) will be a plan to ensure the long-term health of Hamilton’s urban forest. It will provide a community-developed vision and actions to guide us in maintaining and growing the urban forest.

Why is a Strategy Needed?

We all know that trees are important. Trees are the single solution to many of our challenges, especially in a changing climate. Trees are often called “green infrastructure” because they provide many valuable ecosystem services. These services include improving air and water quality, controlling floods, beautifying neighbourhoods, reducing energy use, providing habitat for wildlife, and providing recreation opportunities.

However, pressures on trees are increasing, due to pests and diseases, drought and severe weather from climate change, development, and invasive species.

Trees live a long time and need to be carefully planned for and managed. That is why Hamilton needs a comprehensive plan for its urban forest.

For the past two years, the City of Hamilton’s Development Planning, Heritage and Design Section has been working with stakeholders, residents, and other City staff to prepare an Urban Forest Strategy for Hamilton.

In 2018, the City hired a consultant team to gather data on the urban forest and review by-laws, guidelines and policies. During this time, the City also received feedback, gathered during numerous engagement activities. Using this feedback and background data, a draft Urban Forest Strategy report has been prepared.

Two draft reports are now available for your review and comment: the Urban Forest Strategy and the Technical Report.

The City welcomes your comments on the draft reports. Please participate – the UFS will be better if more people provide input!

A Virtual Meeting was held on February 9, 2021 from 6:30 to 8 pm. Watch the recap of the presentation on the urban forest strategy and review questions and answers below.

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Do you have questions about the Urban Forest Strategy? You can submit your questions here.

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Page last updated: 12 Sep 2024, 05:10 PM