- Free Running Areas are unfenced areas, governed by time and seasonal restrictions, which have been set-aside for residents to exercise their dogs off-leash without being in contravention of municipal by-laws.
- Dog Parks are fenced facilities where residents may exercise their dogs off-leash within a controlled environment without being in contravention of municipal by-laws.
What is a Leash Free Park?
A Leash Free Park refers to both dog parks and free running areas in the City where residents may bring their dog(s) to exercise off-leash, without being in contravention of Municipal By-laws (as dogs are not allowed to be off-leash in the City of Hamilton).
Where are Leash Free Parks located?
There are leash free parks across the City of Hamilton. View a map of Dog Parks in Hamilton(External link).
For location details and operating hours visit: Dog Parks(External link), Running Areas(External link)
Will my neighbourhood get a Leash Free Park?
The City of Hamilton Outdoor Recreation and Sport Field Provision Plan (2011) recommends continuing to work towards the goal of implementing the model of at least one “free running area” and/or “dog park” per ward, subject to the availability appropriate sites and available funding.
Based on budget considerations, resources will be allocated to wards that currently have a deficiency of leash free parks. The Leash Free Parks Program Policy(External link) provides guidance on where leash free parks (either free running areas or dog parks) can be located.
How are Leash Free Parks funded?
The City of Hamilton collects $1 per dog license tag sold to be used in accordance with the provisions of the policy as outlined in the Leash Free Parks Program Policy(External link). In some circumstances, residents fundraise money to donate to assist with the dog park program. In other circumstances, Ward Councillors may use discretionary funding to put towards the provisions of the Leash Free Parks Policy program.