Complete Streets Report for Ward 14
The City of Hamilton, working with partners, completed a Draft Report of a Complete Streets Project to help improve road safety throughout neighbourhoods in Ward 14. The study area included all 11 neighbourhoods of Ward 14.
In response to concerns from residents of Ward 14 and in an effort to further the progress being made through Hamilton’s Strategic Road Safety Program and Vision Zero Action Plan, the City of Hamilton engaged a consultant team from CIMA+ to create a report that will offer locally-tailored solutions that can:
- reduce residential traffic speeds
- enhance public spaces
- improve road safety for all users
The recommendations looked to tackle the key elements of concerns raised, including but not limited to:
- High Speeds: reduction of traffic speeds in residential areas through the use of traffic calming measures.
- Driver Behaviour: known locations of poor driver compliance and aggressive driving will be assessed, to identify preventative design solutions.
- Safety: collision prone locations will be assessed to identify likely causes and opportunities for safety improvements. Roads are not just for cars; the study will also focus on pedestrian and cyclist safety.
- Mobility: locations of known connectivity issues for all modes (cars, pedestrians, and bikes) will be assessed to identify gaps in the network and identify access and mobility improvements.
Public Consultation
Public consultation helped to inform the recommendations that are presented in the final draft report. Residents of Ward 14 were engaged throughout the process of developing the Ward 14 Complete Streets Report through:
- Online tools, including the mapping tool on the Engage Hamilton Platform
- Conversations with the community in Ward 14
- The first Public Information Centre was held on May 13, 2021
- The second Public Information Centre was held on September 2, 2021
This Complete Streets Project is specifically focused on improving safety and operations along residential and collector streets in Ward 14 only – arterial roads are not a part of this project, rather they are captured as part of the Complete Livable Better Streets Design Manual Project.
Using the recommendations from the Complete Streets Project report, the City is working with stakeholders and working with the Ward 14 Councillors Office to develop implementation plans. The implementation plans are categorized as Quick Win, Short-Term and Long-Term. Quick Win implementations are already underway in Ward 14.
Preliminary Recommendations Mapping
This mapping tool details location-specific recommendations identified by the ongoing Complete Streets Report study for Ward 14. Each dot on the map represents a recommendation that is categorized by the issues they tackle:
Cut through Traffic | |
Existing Traffic Operations | |
Insufficient Lighting | |
Missing or Inappropriate Pedestrian/Cycling Facilities | |
Other | |
Parking | |
Pedestrian Safety/Accessibility | |
Speed Concerns/Aggressive Driving/Traffic Calming | |
Stop Compliance | |
Traffic Control Request |
Select a dot on the map to find out more about each recommendation, including their anticipated implementation type: Quick Win, Short-Term Improvement and/or Further Analysis Required.
Further detail on the strategy behind these recommendations is included in the Public Information Centre #2 presentation. Following public feedback, these preliminary recommendations will be confirmed and further detailed in the final Complete Streets Study Report, anticipated Fall 2021.
Comments are now closed
As a reminder, this project is focused on only the residential and collector roads in Ward 14. Arterial roads will be considered in the Complete Livable, Better Streets Design Manual.
Map your Comments
We want to better understand your experiences in Ward 14 – what challenges do you see, and where do you see them?
Use the mapping tool to identify where the concerns are. If you see a pin already placed at a spot you were going to identify as an issue, please continue to place another pin there. Having multiple pins on one location will help our team to determine the priorities for implementation within Ward 14.
This project is focused on Residential and Collector Roads in Ward 14 Only. Arterial Roads will be considered in the City’s ongoing Complete, Livable, Better Streets Design Manual process.
Ward 14 Boundary | |
Stop Signs & Stop Ahead Signs | |
Pedestrian Crossovers (PXO) | |
Traffic Speed Humps |