Complete Streets Report for Ward 3

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The City of Hamilton is working with partners in Ward 3 to create a Complete Streets Report to help improve road safety throughout the various neighbourhoods in Ward 3.

In response to concerns from residents of Ward 3 and in an effort to further the progress being made through Hamilton’s Strategic Road Safety Program and Vision Zero Action Plan, The City of Hamilton has engaged a consultant team from WSP Canada Inc. To create a report that will offer locally-tailored solutions that can reduce residential traffic speeds, enhance public spaces and improve road safety for all users.

This project is specifically focused on improving safety and operations along residential and collector streets only – arterial roads will not be a part of this project since they are already under consideration as part of the ongoing Complete Livable Better Streets Design Manual Project.

We want to hear from you!

  • Phase 1: Data collection - We want to know where your concerns are as they relate to traffic safety. Once we have identified common areas of concern, we will work extensively with community groups to co-design solutions that meet their needs.
  • Phase 2: Experience based engagement - We will be deploying interventions across Ward 3 based on the feedback collected during phase 1. We will be tracking how those interventions impact operations, but we also want to hear from you about how you feel about the interventions – do they meet your needs, are they improving your experiences, and do they help to improve access and equity in Ward 3?

The results of our study will be presented in the final report, which will include design drawings, estimated costs and a suite of tools to assist in impementing broader traffic calming efforts across Ward 3.

The City of Hamilton is working with partners in Ward 3 to create a Complete Streets Report to help improve road safety throughout the various neighbourhoods in Ward 3.

In response to concerns from residents of Ward 3 and in an effort to further the progress being made through Hamilton’s Strategic Road Safety Program and Vision Zero Action Plan, The City of Hamilton has engaged a consultant team from WSP Canada Inc. To create a report that will offer locally-tailored solutions that can reduce residential traffic speeds, enhance public spaces and improve road safety for all users.

This project is specifically focused on improving safety and operations along residential and collector streets only – arterial roads will not be a part of this project since they are already under consideration as part of the ongoing Complete Livable Better Streets Design Manual Project.

We want to hear from you!

  • Phase 1: Data collection - We want to know where your concerns are as they relate to traffic safety. Once we have identified common areas of concern, we will work extensively with community groups to co-design solutions that meet their needs.
  • Phase 2: Experience based engagement - We will be deploying interventions across Ward 3 based on the feedback collected during phase 1. We will be tracking how those interventions impact operations, but we also want to hear from you about how you feel about the interventions – do they meet your needs, are they improving your experiences, and do they help to improve access and equity in Ward 3?

The results of our study will be presented in the final report, which will include design drawings, estimated costs and a suite of tools to assist in impementing broader traffic calming efforts across Ward 3.

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What challenges do you see, and where do you see them?

over 2 years