What is a Class EA process?
The Environmental Assessment (EA) process is a planning tool used to identify the possible effects of proposed infrastructure projects on the environment.
The Ontario Environmental Assessment Act requires Ontario municipalities to complete an EA when undertaking capital works projects. Municipalities in Ontario have the benefit of using the process for certain municipal road, water and wastewater projects.
Over the long term, environmental assessments provide decision makers with the kind of information they need to approve projects that are suitable with a healthy, sustainable environment for both present and future generations.
Learn more about the Municipal Class EA process
Master Plans are long range plans which integrate infrastructure requirements for existing and future land use with environmental assessment planning principles. These plans examine an infrastructure system(s) or group of related projects in order to outline a framework for planning for subsequent projects and/or developments. At a minimum, Master Plans address Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process. (Source: Municipal Class EA Manual, 2015)
What background information can I review to learn more about this?
The City of Hamilton is building on a progressive process established in 2006 when the Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Master Plans were integrated under GRIDS (the City’s Growth Management Strategy) to provide better planning and decisions. The Integrated Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Master Plans will address servicing requirements out to the year 2051. The servicing needs will be identified and evaluated within the GRIDS 2 process that will establish the framework for effective and efficient growth across the City.
What has the City done to date in response to the increased population growth in Hamilton?
The City of Hamilton is currently updating its Growth Management Strategy, known as GRIDS 2.
GRIDS 2 is an integrated planning process that helps to identify a broad land use structure, associated infrastructure, economic development strategy and financial implications for growth options to serve Hamilton for 30 years. GRIDS 2 is planning for growth up to 2051. The Province of Ontario provides population and employment growth forecasts for Hamilton through the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
GRIDS 2 will plan for how and where this additional population and employment growth can be accommodated and will determine the impact on the Infrastructure Master Plans (Water/Wastewater, Stormwater, Transportation).