Let's Talk Taxicabs
The City of Hamilton is conducting a review of taxicab services to ensure that the taxi by-law meets the current and future needs of residents and groups. All taxicabs and taxicab drivers operating within the City of Hamilton are licensed by the City’s Licensing & By-law Services Division and are regulated by Schedule 25 of the Licensing By-law 07-170.
The Let’s Talk Taxicabs engagement initiative will help us to understand the needs and concerns of our community regarding taxicab services in Hamilton.
Engagement will focus on these areas:
- Taxicab usage
- Taxicab fare regulation
- Opinions on safety and service satisfaction
- Accessible taxicabs
- Training requirements
- Taxicab driver trends
- Accessible Taxi Financial Incentive Pilot Program(External link)
We want to hear from you!
We want your thoughts on current taxi services and areas of improvement that are important to you and other community members in Hamilton. To better engage with different stakeholders, two different online surveys are available:
- Survey for the general public
- Survey for taxicab drivers and plate owners
Your experiences and opinions will help determine the future of the City of Hamilton's taxicab regulations. Information gathered through these surveys will be used to guide our review and support possible revisions to Schedule 25 of the Licensing By-law 07-170.
On December 5, 2023, Hamilton’s City Council approved a motion to review the taxicab industry given the industry’s evolution. No thorough review of Schedule 25 has occurred since the 2007 repeal and replacement of the City of Hamilton Licensing By-law. To review the current taxicab by-law, please visit www.hamilton.ca/build-invest-grow/starting-small-business/business-licences/by-law-licence-and-regulate-various(External link)